How to navigate being a business owner turned content creator

You started your business to serve a purpose. To help people. Now you find yourself scrolling Instagram Reels and TikTok looking for content ideas!

Guess what? You are a content creator now. But don't worry!

We are here to help you. To show you how to create content for your business! With ease. With confidence! So you can embrace your inner content creator and create MAGIC for your business (and your ideal audience).

How do I create content for my business? 

Whether you meant to enter the content creator space or not, owning an online business usually results in this happening. When you own an online brand, you become a content creator because you need to show up on social media, blogs, podcasts, and youtube to be seen online!

While it can be something you ‘didn’t sign up for’, it is an AMAZING skill to have for your business. If you don’t know where to start, it’s okay! We have 9 tips to help you navigate this newfound opportunity. 

What is content creation? 

Content creation, in our business, is what makes the world go ‘round! It is ultimately how you can show your target audience your knowledge, skills, personality, business, brand story and so much more!

It’s really a process of generating topics and ideas that appeal to your audience in the form of blogs, podcasts, social media posts, videos, infographics, and whatever else you use.

Content creation is also important for discovery. People can see what you post online for your brand and that is what draws them in, encourages them to engage, and helps them explore in detail. This then, of course, can help lead to follows, saves, connections, and sales (which is what we are all striving for).

How do I create content for my business? 

Even though creating content is not something you had always planned for yourself as a brand owner, remember that if you are an online business owner, you have the ability to be a creator. 

You can be resourceful and find a way to make it work for you! To give you a place to start, here are 10 ways that you can create amazing content for your business:

1. Have a strategy!

Set goals, know your audience and have a strategy! A content strategy will save you so much time and effort - if you’d like to learn more about strategy, click here

2. Find content creators you resonate with and see what they’re doing

Find people that inspire you but remember to never compare yourself. We want to look to people who can teach us but never make us feel bad. but never compare

3. Find a channel that works for you 

You can take the Content Queen quiz to work that out! Ultimately you want to find a channel that you love to create on and that works because this is how you enjoy the process. but find a channel you love. This is how you can enjoy the process 

4. Find a style that works for you 

This could include a type of Reel you like, a style of blog you love to write, a certain way you like to structure your podcast and so much more. Think about if you like to incorporate a certain topic or theme into your content and run with it! Find a style of content you love to create. 

5. Repurpose where you can 

Repurposing is NOT lazy, it is a way for you to create more touchpoints in your content and reach your message to a wider audience. For example at Content Queen, we start with our podcast and create the blog from that, which then helps create our social captions for the week ahead.

6. Be prepared to fail

It won’t always work or be easy but that’s okay! Every failure is an opportunity to learn and that experience will help you succeed later!

7. Learn as you go

Fail fast and learn from your mistakes. It can seem like the end of the world at the time but you will learn so much from it (PLUS you can use these lessons for content down the track).

8. Test, trial, and measure 

This is an essential part of marketing. Make sure with every new business venture, you are measuring the numbers behind it to see what works and what doesn't.

9. Embrace it 

While this is about business, you can have fun with it. Don’t forget to embrace your time creating and enjoy the process.

10. Find ways to make it easier for yourself 

Do you like to be organised? Go with the flow? Batch? Find how you like to create and what works for you! 

Final thoughts

You started your business for a purpose and NOW you are a content creator! You may have never thought you would end up creating content but here you are. 

It doesn't have to be a difficult job to undertake, just find something that inspires you and the platform you love to create on (take the quiz to find the right channel for you), and get a strategy together (we have a template for you here), and create what is authentic to you!

Remember that if you are an online business owner, you are a creator. Find a way to make it work for you and just learn, test, trial and measure! 

If you need any more guidance on content creation for your business PLUS templates to help you navigate this new venture, you can now trial the DIY Content Marketing Club for just $1 for the first month! Now is your time so seize the opportunity!