How to create a whole year's worth of content

The short answer, write a book! 

Yes, I know this sounds like an extreme statement, but it’s true! Anyone can write a book and there are so many benefits to it.

We all have a book in us! 

If you’re a business owner looking for a different venture to go on or maybe you’re looking to find inspiration in a new way, writing a book may just be the way to go.

We all have the knowledge to share and a story to tell. Within your business, there are MANY concepts you teach. Why not think about how they can be turned into a book? 

Just like a blog, podcast or video series, a book is a way to connect with your audience in more "long-form" ways.

With this thought, we are exploring how a book can help with your marketing strategy for your business AND how you can use this book to create content online

But first, let’s break it down.

Book writing for business owners 

We all have a book in us! But did you know it can work as a marketing strategy in your business? These are ways you may have never thought of, but the benefits can be amazing for your brand! 

So, what are they?

  • Having a book written by you is an awesome talking point at networking events. You can give it away (instead of a business card). You can also gift it to potential clients as a resource or guidance. 

  • The content in this book can be used as content for your social media and other platforms (We’re talking for YEARS).

  • You can also use the book as a lead magnet to get sign-ups to your email list

  • It’s great credibility! Who doesn’t LOVE to have an author on their podcast/speak at their event?

  • Your book can even act as a whole strategy for your business. 

With these benefits, who wouldn't want to write a book? It may be just the thing your business needs! 

However, you may be asking yourself, “HOW the hell do I write a book?”. Well, we’ve thought of that too!

How to write a book 

Before writing, there are a couple of things you should think about… 

  1. Ask yourself: Who am I and what do you stand for? - This will give you a purpose behind what you are writing. 

  2. Think about what you are good at and run with it. This can include what your current audience knows you for and what your skills are, think about how can this can be put down on paper. 

  3. Get someone to help pull that out of you. Maybe it’s time to invest in a coach, they are amazing for helping to reveal this!

  4. Once you have this information, think about how you want to put that out into the world! What format will you use, what writing style and how much information and guidance do you want to give? 

Then, after we have all of this sorted out, we can get to planning the style, format and structure of the book!

  1. Before putting one word on paper (or on your computer) make sure you consciously set the intention that you will write the book. It may not be a super quick process it may take months or even a year. However, as long as you intend to chip away at it, then that’s what matters. 

  2. The structure of the book is important. Find another book you love the structure of and start with that, just make sure you have a format in place to guide you.

  3. With the above tips, it’s not uncommon to need some guidance or help. This is where people like Lin Eleoff can help, she is an amazing coach! Check out her webpage here

  4. With any new business venture, especially one this big, having a system or strategy in place is essential to stay on track. Break down the project one step at a time and tick things off as you go - this will save your sanity.

How to use it in your marketing strategy 

Writing a book can become a whole strategy for your business in more ways than one. It’s not all about writing the book and then that’s it, it can be used in SO many ways!

Here’s how

  1. Your book can be at the top of your funnel, it can be your biggest offer for clients and target audience members.

  2. It is a new networking strategy for you (and it’s so much better than a business card) 

  3. You can repurpose your book for all sorts of content for YEARS 

  4. There is always an option to run ads to your book to push it as far as possible

How to turn it into content 

Your content can come straight from your book! Yep, it’s all about repurposing.

You don’t have to invent new content. You can open a page of your book and there's your weekly theme!

You can then turn this into a blog, email, video, or social media post - the list goes on! There are so many purposes for the content in your book, it’s just about thinking outside the box!

Final thoughts

There is a book in everyone! All it takes is some planning, dedication, strategy and time.

We all have the knowledge to share and a story to tell. Within your business, there are MANY concepts you teach, so why not think about how they can be turned into a book?

Once you have your book, use it for your business and your strategy. If you need more guidance on how to utilise this strategy, we have the guide you need, so make sure to click here for that!

So, give it a go! Nothing is stopping you!

“Be a content queen (or king) and remember developing your content develops your business”
