Storytelling through your content: How to learn from those around us

Storytelling will forever be one of my favourite things to do in my business and see in other people’s businesses; being a storyteller through your content creation is such a powerful thing!

You could call me a bit of a storytelling nerd, but I love it! I love to analyse how people share stories in their business and how they use stories to build connections and sell to their audience. 

From these people, we can gain so much inspiration and insight. We can learn and we can create from this space. As I take you on this journey to tell more stories in your business, I encourage you to continue to learn from the content you consume (and why not start here)

The 6 tips to help you become a better storyteller in your content creation

1. Your origin story

First things first, start with your origin story! Your origin story usually includes how you started your business and what inspired you or pushed you to be where you are in your brand now.

Take notes down on why you started your business and how it all happened. Practise telling this story and know it well.

If you need a bit of guidance on where to start, we have a freebie that is perfect for you. Click here to download it and learn how to tell your origin story, PLUS, we’ve also added a video on how to build it out. Have a look now!

2. What do you want to be known for

This is when you ask yourself, “what do I want to be known for?”. This will help you to craft the right stories to relate to your niche.

We have a story to share with you that will give you an example of how you can bring together two things to make your business unique and to make it stand out above the rest.

“A fascinating conversation happened not long ago with an entrepreneur. We spoke about how maybe we won't be the "best in the world" at what we do.

But how can we be different so we attract the clients we want to serve?

Instead, we aim to bring things together to make them unique. Instead of being one thing, you become two. You then narrow yourself down rather than become general.

It got me thinking about my brand. What do we do that is unique? We tell stories, unique stories. We write content. But we also bring together with that the strategy.

Storytelling + Strategy is what we offer. It is what I love.”

Thank you to an awesome business friend for sharing this

3. Find your inspiration

Inspiration is super helpful when it comes to storytelling in your content. Make sure you learn how you engage with content and find out what sparks your interest.

Look at how others tell stories; do they go live on Instagram, do they use TikTok, do they blog? Ask yourself how others tell stories and grab some inspiration.

Also, be open to learning from those who are at a higher level in their niche/business. Just be mindful of their advice, sometimes they can make a journey seem easier or they may be trying to sell to you, so take with a grain of salt. Another tip would be to take advice from people recently in the trenches or people who have worked their way out of a struggle, the tips they give could be helpful to you if applied to your situation.

4. Record your day-to-day

Whether you use a journal, voice note to yourself or video, start recording your days: see what happens! These are the stories you can build on so don’t underestimate their value.

When I first started my business I wrote down a note on my phone of a lesson I had learned each day for 365 days. Reflecting on this, it also showed me 365 days of content stories and topics I could use in my business to share and make content out of.

All of these had a story about a business or content creation that was worth sharing with my audience, how cool! This shows that something as simple as writing a lesson down a day can create a HUGE array of stories to tell.

5. “How can I add a story?”

This may seem obvious, but sometimes you need to stop and ask yourself when you create content “how can I add a story?”. With everything you create there is most likely a story, you can relate it to, so with whatever piece of content you are creating, ask yourself this before posting!

6. Just do it!

The best way to build up your skill in something is to practise, so, JUST do it! Practice and get better as you go! We are all storytellers and we all have the ability to share awesome experiences with our audience, so just remember to keep going and allow it to develop with time.

Think back to what you used to know compared to what you know now, how much knowledge you’ve gained from just continuing to practise - this is the same, you can do it!

Final thoughts

Storytelling is your superpower in your content creation so harness it! Remember to look for inspiration everywhere and think about where you can add more stories to your business. Use your own stories, the story of others, the hypothetical stories, and those in the public domain, there are so many options to choose from so make sure you utilise them.

If you need any guidance, check out our storytelling freebie here to get you started! Remember to look for stories to share everywhere, use analogies and be unique!