How to create your original content online

Business owners turned content creators... it can be tricky. 

We can’t help but look at what others are doing. We try to create ideas on social media, in our blogs, and on our podcasts that are unique but not too foreign. We don't have to complicate things, right?

It is a balance! A blend between being original and unique AND not too outside the box that people don't 100% know what you are talking about! Well, luckily we are here to give you some ideas on how you can create some original content WITHOUT it taking all the time in the world to create!

What is original content? 

Have you heard of the term “original content”? This term simply means content that is unique to you and your business and that has never been published in that way. 

Unique and original content can take many forms including blogs, articles, videos, and more! It can also either introduce a brand new idea, product, or point of view OR revisit an old one.

If you’re looking to see if any given piece of online content is considered original, it has to pass a plagiarism check. In this, there can’t be any duplicates of it anywhere on the internet. 

The key to creating original content that appeals to both the search engines and your audience is to combine originality with timely relevancy and, of course, top-tier quality in your content creation strategy.

Not sure where to start? Let’s explore now!

Why create your original content 

Creating original content gives you the power to ‘stop the scroll’. What do we mean by that? Every day, people all over the world are continuously and mindlessly scrolling through their social media feeds. Stopping the scroll means exactly that - to stop your potential audience in their tracks and get them to pay attention to your content!

So besides stopping the scroll, why would you want to create original content? Let’s see…

1. It saves you time!!

If you create original content you don’t have to be out all day searching Instagram for inspiration. You have your thoughts and opinions! Saving you time and energy. Your opinions and your experiences are already in your mind!

2. Helps you be consistent!

When you know what you are creating and what you are speaking about (and you have a passion for these opinions and stories), you are more likely to show up. This makes you more consistent online.

3. Allows you to speak to your target audience!

Because your target audience is attracted to your story and your thoughts and opinions. It helps you stand out so they can see you!

4. Never run out of ideas!

Your stories never stop. Your opinions will grow and expand. This means content ideas are never scarce and always at your disposal. Make sure when a story comes to mind you jot it down wherever you like to take notes - then you don’t have to worry about forgetting it and you’ll always have it ready.

5. Helps you be SEEN online (shows you uniqueness)

You stand out when you are original. Never forget the power you have when you create original content - people will see this and be drawn to you!

What you need to create original content 

You don't always need to follow the trends of what every other business is doing. Remember that they may be in a different niche to you so taking ideas directly from them may not be your best bet. 

The most beneficial thing you can do for your business is to create unique content that allows you to stand out. How can you do this? Here are our top tips for creating original content for your business.

  1. Try and map out your opinions and what you want to be known for. What emotions do you want to create in people when they interact with your content? Take all of these thoughts and opinions and write them down. REMEMBER: ideas come from the knowledge you have, the books you read, and the podcasts you listen to (and yes, these might even be from a field different to your own) so pull your knowledge from as many sources as you can.

  2. Use your own stories. As content creators and people in general, we all have stories to tell, so utilise these to help your audience connect with your content. If this is something you need guidance with, check out our storytelling freebie to get your stories in order and optimise them in your content! Click HERE for more. 

  3. Make a reel with trendy sounds or music but give it your spin! Try this exercise: Scroll through Tiktok or IG with your eyes closed and think of ideas for trending sounds to make them unique. List down your ideas and the sound with it and there you go! 

  4. Focus on the medium in which you deliver your content. Everyone has a preferred platform that they love showing up on, and it’s even better if it’s also the best platform for your business and marketing. Find out if the platforms you show up on are ALSO the best ones for your business by taking our Content Quiz HERE.

  5. Repurpose your current ideas in different ways. For example, your podcast can become a blog which can then become social posts - this is also how you amplify your content.  

  6. Find a style and format that is made for you. For example, TikTokers have their own format or style of content; they tend to create POV or piece-to-camera type content. You can do this in podcasts as well! We structure ours with storytelling and tips to follow! Your style is unique so stick to that.

  7. Brainstorming sessions will be a lifesaver! I did this recently while contemplating how to start the Content Queen TikTok page. Procrastination was getting to me so I finally decided to sit down and chat with one of my CQ team members. Once I did that, the ideas started to flow! So if you’re stuck, try using a team member, friend, or family member as a soundboard and just get your ideas out there!

  8. Remember nothing is “new” but it is YOUR own take. Your style of educating and explaining is original 

  9. Measurement is KEY! Understand what your audience wants and create content around that! Market research + looking at the numbers will give you more ideas about what your audience loves - this is the recipe for success!

Final thoughts 

We want you to create authentic content that resonates with both you and your audience. Not only does this allow you to tell your own stories and express your own opinions, but it also stops you from comparing your content to other brands AND helps you to stop the scroll!

Not sure where to start? Take the Content Quiz! Think of this as a business self-discovery tool! A chance for you to learn more about marketing your business. A chance to learn more about yourself and what channel allows you to be the most creative.

When we market our business from the RIGHT channel, that is when we connect with the aligned communities, so why not get that moving now! Click here for more information.

“Be a content queen (or king) and remember developing your content develops your business”
