110: PRESSURE OF SOCIAL MEDIA how to handle the pressure and be authentic | Claire Elvera Wu

Have you felt the pressure of social media? 

Felt anxious to show up and show your face but then also pressured because you haven't shown up "enough". Do you compare yourself online and think "I could do better". 

We are here to tell you this is very very normal! We all have felt this before and to be honest, still do. With the rise of social media, new features on each platform we can find ourselves in a spiral of comparisonitis and not feeling enough! In this week's podcast episode, I have Claire Elvera Wu to give tips and strategies on how to handle all pressures social media presents us! 

But remember, it is normal and your mind can help you relieve the pressure you are feeling! 

If you LOVED the episode, make sure you share this on your Instagram stories and tag us @contentqueenmariah and @claire.elvera.wu.


  • How to handle the pressure of showing up on social media

  • How to handle the pressure of not showing up enough on social media

  • How to handle the pressure of comparing yourself with others

  • Actionable tips on each



Claire is a holistic business and mindset coach. She's a physiotherapist and movement expert by trade. After spending 15 years healing from toxic family and society, she's able to succeed in multiple ventures and investments. In her business coaching, she blends in her expertise in body and movement so that her clients can take their business to the next level without overwhelm and burnout.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @contentqueenmariah!

Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕