How to turn your dreams into reality

What do you daydream about? What is that one thing you want to do, but you aren’t sure how to get there? 

Turning your dreams into reality might seem a little unrealistic. It might feel SO far out of your reach, that you don’t even know how you will get there? Well, believe it or not, it is SO possible. Half of the time, we don’t even know we got there until we really reflect. 

On the podcast this week, I have the AMAZING Emma Rose, who after she spent Christmas Eve standing on the bank of a river waiting for rescue divers to pull a body out of the water so she could report on it, thought there must be another path for her. 

She always wanted to publish a book, that was her dream! Now she has two published books, and she did it by believing in her dreams. 

For her, it was all about defining what her dreams were and simply turning them into what is now her reality. She is on the show to tell us how to do it too!! Maybe you don’t know what that goal is right now? Don’t worry, we are here to guide you! 

If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!

Turning YOUR dreams into a reality is really setting goals! When I decided to quit my full-time job to work for myself, that was a GOAL so I could travel the world and live out my DREAMS of writing and travel. It all took action steps. You can do that too!

So, let’s talk dreams and let’s inspire you to turn yours into reality!


How to define what your dreams are? 

The first step to making your dreams a reality is to define what that dream is. What do you daydream about? What makes you feel inspired and passionate. Don’t worry if it “seems too silly”, write it down. 

What does that dream look like? As Emma said in the podcast, for her it was seeing her book on a bookshelf in a store. Although getting published by one of the big 5 publishers would be amazing, for her it was getting that book published. 

Once she worked that out, she realised (with help), she would get that book published without the help of a publishing agency. So, her dream started to take shape! 

Be specific about your dream. If it is to have a book. Why? What part of it do you visualise? Then it will make it easy to have a plan.  

How to turn your dreams into reality? 

So how do we then turn these defined dreams into a reality? You research first, you look at all the things around what your dream is. Get educated. Of course, you don’t need to know it ALL now, but you want some knowledge. This will help you in the future and will give you a clearer path to reality. 

As Hal Elrod mentioned in his book “The Miracle Equation”, turning dreams into reality comes down to a few things:

  1. Defining the goal 

  2. Making an “action plan” - what do you need to do in order to succeed 

  3. Improve your mindset by saying the words (everyday) “I will achieve XYZ. I will do this by having unwavering faith and by putting in the extraordinary effort - no matter what, there is no option”

  4. Remember there will be setbacks (so lose the emotion attachment) 

  5. Realise it is the person you become to achieving the dream that makes it worth it 

Then of course, get help if you need it! Don’t be afraid to ask for help (or to invest). People are here to guide you on your journey! Plus a different perspective REALLY does help!

When it comes to turning a dream into reality, it is all about knowing what it is you want and understanding there are a few ways around it! 


How to deal with setbacks from trying to chase your dreams? 

What happens if you get a setback (or should we say when). First, understand the different setbacks:

  • Technical setbacks (the ones that aren’t your fault but happen. Zoom link doesn’t send etc.) This is something you can quickly fix, just give yourself time and think rationally

  • Mindset setbacks - try and use the “what’s the worst thing that can happen”, usually the answer is something not so bad. Just always try and have a positive outlook if you set this “worst thing that can happen.”

When it comes to setbacks - remember it will teach you something new. Even if it does suck to begin with. For me, I was meant to be traveling the world right now (my dream). Because of COVID, I had to change. In the end, Australian travel took the prize, and to be fair, I am loving it so much! 

What if you don’t know your dreams? 

Don’t stress if you don’t exactly know what that is yet. You don’t have to have it “all figured out”. But here are some questions (even journal prompts) that can help you:

  • What excited you at 8 years old?

  • What do you daydream about? 

Usually what we think about as kids can give us a clue! Here is how I see what I wanted to do when I was young and how it looks now! 

When I was younger, I loved dolphins. 

I wanted to be a marine biologist. 

I wanted to be by the ocean and always loved exploring/traveling. 

So how did I end up here? Well, of course as I mentioned, I also loved to write.

I loved having a diary when I traveled and I would write in it daily what we did. I would also keep the little mementos and put them in those diaries as a little scrapbook. 

I never wanted to forget a moment. 

Okay - so how does this all relate to how I managed to live my dream. Well, if you think about it. Right now, I am doing exactly what I loved as a kid. Traveling, documenting my travels, living near the ocean, and writing. 

So, of course, when we think back to when we were kids and what our dreams were then, it is interesting to explore what about that dream did we love? For me, I loved the ocean and the freedom travelling brought me. 

As I grew up, I generated more passions that have allowed me to travel, earn an income and have that sense of freedom. 

How did I get here? Self-awareness and also believing that I can do anything. When the path leads you astray, let it. But always remember what it is you want. Always remind yourself of what it is you want. 

Maybe you don't know yet? No stress, you always have time to figure it out - just be curious. 

If you know what it is, but you don't know how to get there. Aim to set a plan. 


Final thoughts

Are you ready to turn your dreams into a reality? I know this inspired me to think about my childhood and remember how achievable dreams can be! 

Have a think about it. Have a go at the following: 

  1. Map out a plan 

  2. Research your dream and how to achieve it 

  3. Ask for help

  4. Remember there may be some setbacks 

  5. Work on the mindset 

  6. Work on what you can control at the moment

If you found value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below! 

Turning YOUR dreams into a reality is really setting goals! When I decided to quit my full-time job to work for myself, that was a GOAL so I could travel the world and live out my DREAMS of writing and travel. It all took action steps. You can do that too!

Content Queen Mariah Episode 64

“Be a content queen (or king) and remember developing your content develops your business”


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