How I found out where my business is heading - a review of 2020

Usually, we spend the lead up to January (and a few days after) planning what 2021 will look like. We plan the goals and set “new year’s resolutions” and often go the old “see you, thanks for nothing” to the year previous. 

Well, poor 2020. If you haven’t taken the time to review the year previous, how can you expect the year ahead to be any better? For me, I have spent these few weeks really reflecting and I have learnt SO much that will help me in 2021. 

There were lessons that came out that I didn’t even realise! Now when I am set for creating 2021 goals, I am ready because I won’t make the same mistakes or have the same expectations for 2020. 

So, this blog is here to do a few things. Outlay some of my wins for 2020, some of my lessons BUT most importantly, to motivate you to do the same.

If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!

Have you reviewed your 2020 yet? Before you start planning all of your 2021 goals (because let's face it, you have time), let's look at last year! There are SO many lessons in what you have already done, you might not even realise it yet. For episode 61, I take you through my 2020.

Trust me, this is SO important for business. It is so important for content strategy and the like. So get ready, it is time to reflect. Don’t be scared - it is SO empowering.

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The biggest wins 

Looking back, from the beginning of January 2020 to December 2020, I had made SO much traction on my business. I was making around $1-2k a month in the beginning and as I recently did my financial report, ended December with an $11k month!! 

Honestly, I had a $5k monthly goal, to have $11k just makes me pinch myself. 

But if I want to think about my biggest win for 2020, it was for sure quitting my 9-5. Of course, it was a given for me to do that, BUT - when you actually do it, it is just the most incredible thing. If you did it during a pandemic, hats off to you! If you haven’t done it yet but have plans - you are amazing! 

We need to celebrate this more! 

Now, it is interesting because sometimes we put goals down and don’t even think how we are going to get them because there is no real plan - but when you look back you realise… wow, I did it! 

For me this was what happened with a few goals: 

  • Aligned clients 

  • More business besties (like I live with one now, WTF?!)

I didn’t know how this was going to happen because these aren't super measurable goals. But when the intention is set, it is always delivered when you put yourself out there and trust! These are the wins that mean so much to me.

What were your biggest wins of 2020? 

The biggest lessons 

Now, sometimes lessons mean the times were all rosey. Don’t get me wrong, I loved 2020 for what it brought to my business. But it doesn’t mean it was always easy. 

The energy was often low, but from these times, lessons came. Here are some of my favourite lessons...

1. Your purpose is bigger than your bullshit

When you are having a rough day in business, remember this!! It has helped me a lot when I have those bad "self-doubt" days. 

2. Business is a marathon, not a sprint

You don't have to do it all at once. To be fair, the penny really only dropped on this recently. You are in for the long game right? Don't burn out now. 

3. Business will evolve, just trust your gut and enjoy the process 

Back yourself and remember things will change. Trust the guidance and remember if it doesn't work out, it will make for great growth! 

4. Trial and error leads to growth 

Do all of the things. If you don't you will never know what works for you!! 

But you know what else came from 2020? I learnt I didn't really want to do 1:1 coaching. It might seem like a shock. But this was a huge lesson. I did SO many things (coaching, group programs, live courses etc) but what I love the most is working with clients in their business. I love educating, but I want to do it on a bigger scale and then serve clients at a deeper level as a retainer client. 

But you know what? If I didn’t do all of the things I wouldn’t have learnt this! 

You know what else… I learnt ghosting is a reality (not just in dating) but in business. I was ghosting during COVID, which I understand, but still, it made me resilient. It made me learn you have to move on and keep going. I also learnt contracts are SO important for business, so clients don’t pull the pin. 

What were your biggest lessons in 2020?


What you can do to reflect 

Okay, so that is great. You know my wins and lessons in 2020. Now what? 

It is time for you to do the same. Do a video journal, write it down. If you have your goals written down, review them. Take your time. Think about them, you don’t just have to write to them. Take some time to review what 2020 was. 

Once you start thinking, lessons and wins come. It doesn’t happen in the space of an hour or even a day. It might take some time. But honestly, allow the time before you set your goals for 2021. If you already have your goals for 2021, be flexible. 

Take that time, give yourself that much-needed reflection. Meditate, journal, listen to music, go on a walk! Whatever you wish! 

The plans for 2021

Once I had reviewed what 2020 was, I would make a clear choice on my two main goals for 2021. These include:

  1. Membership - building membership for those who aren’t ready to outsource. This allows me to add the content I want without limitations of time. It allows me to help more people

  2. Build an Agency - guess what? This was in my 10-year plan! Well, try a 2-year plan!! So in 2021, I am bringing in more people to serve and help the Content Queen clients on a deeper level from websites to photography and the like! All things content related!! Are you ready to join me on this journey? DM me as either someone interested in helping or someone who needs help.

So now, all my smaller goals are here to help me get to these major goals! Easy done.


Final thoughts

Now, do you believe me? Look I am sure you know how important reflection is, but maybe this will allow you more time to reflect. Here is how you do it: 

  1. Dedicate time to reflect 

  2. Try thinking more about it throughout your day 

  3. Note things down 

  4. Review your reflection

  5. Implement wins and lessons based on this reflection 

  6. Remember they might not all come at once

Make sure you come over to the socials and tell me your wins and lessons!! 

If you found value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!

Have you reviewed your 2020 yet? Before you start planning all of your 2021 goals (because let's face it, you have time), let's look at last year! There are SO many lessons in what you have already done, you might not even realise it yet. For episode 61, I take you through my 2020.


“Be a content queen (or king) and remember developing your content develops your business”


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