How to use Instagram as an entrepreneur

The world of Instagram from perfect polish pictures and influencers selling experiences and amazing transformations. Beautiful curated travel pictures and people who look so beautiful it would almost be fake. Right? 

WRONG! Instagram’s development over the past 5 years has seen this “perfect” world develop into a world of authenticity and successful entrepreneurs living their best lives of selling, business and being okay with not being perfect. So, with this being said, how do you actually use Instagram as an entrepreneur? 

As part of the podcast, I had the amazing Lauren Claire, Social Media and Confidence coach, come onto the show to talk about how she uses Instagram to show the authenticity of her life and business! We chatted about Instagram Stories and what YOU can do to get the most out of Instagram for your business! 

If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!

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Knowing your audience on Instagram   

Not only is knowing your audience important for Instagram, but it is also important for ALL aspects of your business. Understanding your audience will help you create the content that resonates with them! 

Of course, the knowledge of your audience will develop over time, but here are a few things you can do to create content your audience will LOVE! 

  • Connect with your current audience and ask them what they are struggling with, what they want to learn more about and also get to know them on a personal level 

  • Go to platforms like Ubersuggest and Answer the Public, you search the keywords that represents your business, you will get a lot of inspiration on what types of content you can create - based on what people are searching

  • Listen to my podcast or read my blog on “How to find your target audience for your online business”, I have a lot of tips on how you can connect with your audience and create content they will love 

The secret is, there is no secret. Just connect with your audience!! Remember, it is a “SOCIAL” media platform, so as Lauren said: “be social”! Connect with people in the DMs and have conversations. It is all about talking with your audience, not talking at them! Every time you create a piece of content, think about your ideal client and create for them! Then before you post, ask, “will my audience get value from this”, don’t second guess yourself, just ask! 

Please note - value could be just to spark joy, it doesn’t always have to be educational!

How to use Instagram as an entrepreneur

Showing your audience who you are on Instagram

When you create content for Instagram, make sure you show your audience who you are as a person! Give them some insights into your life!! It doesn’t always have to be business. 

People want to connect with people, they want to see what you like to do in your spare time, because as people we are always conditioned to be nosey! 

When you show the face behind the brand from a personal level, it gives the sense of connection people look for when they are on a social media platform like Instagram. 

Try to do it like this: 50% business, 50% personal. If you try and stick to that, you will give people a really good insight into you and your business! Of course, if you are a private person this can be a challenge but look at what you can implement that makes you feel comfortable! 

As Lauren said, creating content is the easy part, it is the connection that can be a challenge! So, give people the form of connection they need to make better purchasing decisions AND to also LOVE your brand! You have the power to create REAL connections on Instagram, use it to the best of its ability. Don’t keep it all business!

How to use Instagram Stories as an entrepreneur

Instagram Stories is a VERY powerful tool as an entrepreneur, this is where you can show the raw and personal side of you and your business. These do NOT have to be pretty polish content, use YouTube to create that! Stories are meant to be imperfect and relatable to your audience! 

This is where you can be authentic! 

If you aren’t feeling 100% confident to show up on stories in video forms, try this process: 

  • Take a picture and have text 

  • Film your surroundings without you in it 

  • Ease into filming yourself 

BUT make sure you POST!!! Always post! 

Instagram Stories are still a newish concept to Instagram, you will also find you can reach more people on Instagram stories, so make sure you make them count with a combination of: 

  • Informing (promo posts)

  • Educating (around your niche) 

  • Engaging (asking questions, getting input from your audience) 

  • Fun (always FUN) 

Also, have a think about some of these things for your Instagram Stories: 

  • Use text to caption your videos so people can watch without sound 

  • Utilise the features available to make them a little more visually appealing (remember you don’t have to over-engineer this, you can use the features on IG, see what you can use here

  • Use a stylus to draw nicely using the pen tool 

  • Search Pinterest to generate cool inspiration and creative ideas on IG stories

  • Be on brand! Use your branding colours (or similar) and use similar fonts each time 

You can see some tools I use for Instagram in my blog around the tools I use to create content!

How to use Instagram as an entrepreneur

Instagram Feed vs Stories

What is the difference between Instagram Stories and the Instagram Feed? Well, to me, they are almost two different platforms!! But you can use them how you see fit and what works best for you. But here are some tips on what you can do: 

  • Use your Instagram Feed to create educational content and promos and use Instagram Stories for the “in the moment” and personal aspects of your life 

  • Post on Instagram Stories daily and on Instagram Feed only a few times a week (if that helps you be more consistent)

  • Instagram Feed content is planned and works with the strategy, all your content can be batched, and Instagram Stories content might have a light plan, but everything is created based on your energy in the moment

Your Instagram Feed is more of planned content used to inform and educate your audience where your Instagram Stories is more about engagement and fun! But of course, you can use ALL the pillars across ALL your Instagram content! 

Test and trial and see what works best for you and what your audience loves! Remember this isn’t a set and forget, this is always changing! 

Of course, now Instagram also have Reels, which you can read more about how to use by clicking here!

How to use Instagram as an entrepreneur

An Instagram tip for beginners

Some people think “Instagram is so saturated, should I even bother”. YES, you should, if it is a platform YOU love and your audience is using! There is always an audience who will resonate with you if you let them! 

So, if you are starting out, fresh to Instagram, here was a great tip from Lauren. Build up your audience by talking about you first! Give people an insight into your life, generate that “know, like and trust factor” before you start selling! 

This is about building brand awareness and is SO important for your business!! But what if you have already started selling on Instagram? It is fine, you can still have week’s where you just talk about yourself, your life and give tips without always asking for the sale! 

If you are new to Instagram and need some more love, make sure you follow me! I’d love to follow your journey!!

How to be consistent on Instagram

So how do you actually be consistent on platforms like Instagram? 

Remember, it will work differently for everyone! But here are some tips: 

  • For Instagram story, set an alarm on your phone or watch to post every few hours 

  • Have a content calendar that reminds you to post 

  • Schedule some of your content so all you have to do is create it on ONE day rather than every day (remember stories work better in the moment) 

You can also learn some more tips on being consistent with your content by clicking here!

How to use Instagram as an entrepreneur

What else to remember when using Instagram

Okay, so here are some parting words about Instagram you NEED to know! Mute the people you ALWAYS compare yourself to, this is NOT healthy. Yes, of course, it is good to get inspired by others, but if you feel you are comparing yourself to others in your field - take a step away! Imposter syndrome on social media can be paralysing. 

If you create the content, YOU love, and your audience needs. If your energy is electric and people feel drawn to that, don’t go and doubt yourself because you are comparing yourself to someone else! 

Always create content that is right for your audience, even if the market is saturated! If you continue to create without stressing about how many other million people are creating content, you will be WAY more sustainable. 

The content creation will be easy when you spend more time growing your audience!! Remember it is a social media platform, ask people what they need help with and have conversations! 

Test, trial and measure - always! See what works and use your Instagram Insights to see what is working! Your data WILL help you, even if you hate looking at numbers!

Final thoughts 

Be yourself, be unique and that is really the success to Instagram! 

If you can find your niche, find the audience you want to work with and create the content that best suits them and of course you, then Instagram is easy!! Also remember, it is a long-term game, quick results do not come! 

Be consistent, be present and continue on the journey, it is FUN! Creating content for an audience you love in a niche you love is the most enjoyable thing you will do, AND you get paid for it! How amazing. 

If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram (and Lauren)! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episode below!

How to use Instagram as an entrepreneur
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