How to create content quickly without the overwhelm!

Content creation is now just a part of business. You really can’t get away with not having social media or engaging with your audience using video or the written form online.

But, I get it, creating content can be hard, daunting and confusing…

How much is too much?

How much is not enough?

Where do I need to show up?

How much time will this take out of my day?

All those questions AND more are often what I get asked, so is this one for “how do I get started with creating content for my business without feeling overwhelmed” and “how do I do this quickly for maximum benefit”.

If you are:

  • New to business

  • Wanting to start fresh

  • Have no idea if your content is “working”

Then this is for YOU!!

I have created a step by step guide on how you can get started quickly, effectively but also so you don’t feel super overwhelmed to actually get started!

Let’s take a look, shall we?

Is that you below??


Do some research

I know, some of you don’t LOVE research, but it is important. Now you have already started your research by reading this blog so well done! But do some more, look at sites like Hootsuite, Hubspot and some of my other articles to help you make a start!

You want to look at things like:

  • Trends

  • Content marketing/content strategy

  • Marketing goals

Don’t get too stressed about this, just start off with some high level research around what content marketing is and how it helps your business.

Define your target audience

Of course, you need to define who it is you want to serve, which also requires research. Hootsuite has a useful template for this, but most of the time as entrepreneurs we start to help our past selves.

You can also write down or journal who your aligned audience is! Once you know who they are, it is easier to market to them but also know what platform you should be showing up when it comes to content marketing and social media!

See below the video from Julian Goldie that might help you!

Pick the platforms they are showing up on (choose just three)

From the target audience, you will know what the sort of platforms you will want to show up on! Now, remember, you don’t have to do it all at once!! Just choose three to begin with and add on as you develop and grow your business.

When I first started, I tried to be EVERYWHERE, and it was stressful and time-consuming!

Now you want to form a strategy, don’t complicate it right now

Okay I know the word “strategy” seems SUPER daunting, but fear not!! This is just about:

  • Setting goals and KPIs around your content

  • Planning your platforms you will be showing up on and when (daily, weekly etc)

  • Implementing some themes and content pillars you will be discussing

For more on strategy, you can click here.

Just remember, it doesn’t have to be too stressful!

Pick a core platform (blog, podcast, social media platform)

What is your main platform? For me it is my podcast! From the podcast I form a blog on that topic and then my social media platforms compliment the topic spoken about on the pod.

Yours doesn’t have to be a podcast or blog, it could be a social platform! This is the platform you offer most value, the rest just compliment it!

Just make sure you have a main, go-to platform!

Set up a document for strategy

The document can be part of your strategy, which I explain how to set up here. But really you just want to have the days of the week, what platforms you will show up on and what topic you will discuss for that day on that platform!

This is explained in the podcast, so have a listen to learn more! You can also download this template to help you set up this document! Whatever works best for you!

Look at where you can repurpose

Repurposing is KEY to your content marketing strategy! It says time and energy.

Maybe you have an eBook you are selling? Can you use the content in that to form blogs, podcast topics and social posts? See below how I repurpose during my week!!

You can also check out how the guru, Gary Vee repurposes content!

Make sure your content talks to each other

One piece of advice I will give you.. Make sure your content is consistent across your channels! Just like you saw above how I repurpose, this isn’t just to save time, but to make sure all the content for the week isn’t overwhelming to my audience! Plus remember, people won’t see everything you produce!

Make sure it flows and has purpose! A “topic of the week” is a perfect way to achieve this. You will notice my topic for the week is “how to create content for your business without feeling overwhelmed)". So I will use this across my social channels as well!

Put the content in a calendar to hold you accountable

Now, accountability! How do you keep up with the content creating? Put it in a calendar as a reminder of when to post!

See below how we use Airtable with all my social posts for the week! That way I know when to post and what I will be talking about. You can also get a copy of this in the FREE strategy template.

Set a day to create

Okay, the calendar is great and all, but when do I create this content so I don’t feel drowned everyday?

Set a day for creating!! Batch a week of content in the day you choose works best for you!

Do what works best for you! You can even do a month in advance if you like! You can also use scheduling tools like Planoly and Hootsuite!

For more on scheduling tools, please click here!

Plan a month in advance of themes

When it comes to batching, I will let you in on a technique I use.

So on the 20th of each month I will sit down and plan the topics I will discuss for the month prior! These topics align to what my clients and audience have asked me and what I’m offering for the month.

Then each week when I write my social media captions, plan my blog and podcast, I know what topic I will be talking about!

Easy peasy!

Collate images and visuals

Images and collateral are IMPORTANT! This is the biggest stress for me! So make a drive of all your images, videos and other collateral you will be using/want to use!

That way, when you need to post a blog, post to your socials, you have images to go with the content! Images, video and creative work are the elements that will stop people scrolling past your content, do not underestimate this!

Starting out and have no images? Look to invest in a branding shoot! TIP: AirBnB have photography experiences you can invest in for around $150! Just type in photography and your city into the search!

Branding shoots are so important and take the stress out of selecting images for your content! Click here to read more about how to prepare for a branding shoot!

Also, create video and if you are talking, use Add Subtitles to transcribe for those who don’t have time to listen but can read from your video!

Don’t underestimate this section!

“Great content is the best sales tool in the world” - Marcus Sheridan⠀

Test and trial

Always test! See what works, review in a few months and work out what you need to tweak. Just remember, these things take time and you need to be consistent to see results!

Traction with your content marketing doesn’t happen overnight, but you also want to review what is working and measure! I recommend measuring weekly on IG and do the rest monthly (to start out).

You also want to review visits to your website, but don't stress about this until you feel on top of your content!

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Find tools to help you

Of course, use the tools that work best for you! I mainly use Google Suite, Airtable but you can use Trello or other productivity apps.

Read more about content tools here!

See below all the tools I use:

  1. Trello/Google Document to map out the strategy

  2. Airtable to write social posts and Google Docs for blogs and podcast notes

  3. Google Drive of images and Canva for visuals

  4. Facebook Creator Studio to schedule, Kartra for email marketing, Squarespace for my website, Anchor for podcasting

  5. Clickup for task management

  6. Google analytics and the social media platform insights for measurement.

Final thoughts

When it comes to getting started fast and when it comes to content marketing for your business, just remember, you don’t need to do it ALL at once. Start small and work up to it!

As I have said, when I started I tried ALL the platforms and I tried to do ALL the things and it burnt me out! So I stripped it back and have built as I have been growing and learning! Of course when you are a one man show it isn’t easy!! If you want more tips on content creating, make sure you follow us on Instagram, join our mailing list or see what products and services we have to help you!

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