How to create content in a dry industry

Do you work in a "dry industry"? And no I don't mean literally dry...

This week on the podcast we have the beautiful Eliana (@buffaloambitionco) in, to talk about how to find content and marketing inspiration for those working in a "dry industry". Content creation in ANY industry, especially if you are your own brand, is super important - it represents your reputation, your work ethic, personality, and of course your life so you have to show it off in the best way!

Today we’re diving into the ins and outs of being a business owner in a ‘dry’ industry, content and marketing tips, creativity, and the best way to brand yourself even when you feel a little stuck in your job. 

So to all my amazing people who work in an industry where you don’t feel like your creativity can shine through, this one’s for you! We’ve got you covered so let’s get into it.


What is a dry industry? 

A ‘dry’ industry has nothing to do with the weather or where it operates from (you’d be surprised how many people think that haha). A ‘dry’ industry can be classified as any type of career that can be difficult to express your creativity in or talk about because it feels somewhat “boring”. 

For example, our lovely guest this week Eliana, is a grant writer. But a 'dry industry' can be anything from lawyers to accounting firms, or even bookkeeping and tax officers, it is simply a line of work that may not leave room for much self-expression, creativity, or ‘interest’. If you feel a little lackluster in your industry, or feel like you’re in this exact position - this is the blog for you. 

We want to break the stigma around not sharing your story because you think no one wants to hear it, this is such a limiting belief! You have to shift your mindset into content creation mode to change your outlook, remember that these things go hand in hand when you want to start storytelling. EVERYTHING is content!

The advice for the business owner in a ‘dry industry’

No matter what industry you’re in, what your story is or what your personality may contain, your brand is all about what makes you, YOU! Your target audience wants to be able to connect with you as much as they want to learn. Your energy is what sells, so use that to your advantage and promote yourself - a face and personality behind a brand do wonders.

If you’re looking to start storytelling, creating content, or even just doing more promotion online of your brand and yourself, here are some helpful tips and advice for any business owner in a ‘dry’ industry

  • Tell YOUR story: never believe that “no one wants to hear it”, you will find your niche or people who benefit from what you’ve got to say so say it!

  • Struggles and embarrassing moments happen for a reason. The more real and raw you are. The more personable and relatable you become which allows your audience to connect with you.

  • Be honest and open: authenticity never goes astray in content creation and story sharing.

  • People don’t buy the product they buy into you, so don’t feel like you shouldn’t be selling yourself.

  • It is ‘know, like and trust’ 101. Your content will help people to know you, like you, and trust you - always remember that.

  • Think about and look at everything you do as possible content, you want people to learn so even when something doesn't go your way, think “What did I just go through that someone can relate to” and share it!

  • In any job or industry, it is so important to have fun and your audience will love to see it! So be friendly, be refreshing and share your unique story. 

  • Know who you are and do not compromise on that! Stay true to yourself and own your story, you are the only one with your experiences, lessons, and life so never give that up.

  • Know who you are but don't be afraid to discover things about yourself you never knew. Embrace new experiences and grow your personality. Never stay stagnant, change is exciting!

The three content and marketing tips for those in a dry industry

  1. Knowing your person (who you serve) you can balance the tone between corporate and the new space of reality of working from home. Be clear on that. Think “Where was I when I started, where did I go to consume my content?”

  2. What have you already experienced? What were your feelings and emotions and create content from there. Set the stage for what it is like to work with you 

  3. Test things out. Give yourself 60 and 90 days and play around with different stories and content topics, the more you experiment with ideas, features, platforms, and functions - the better!

The content channels you should use for a dry industry

Even though storytelling and sharing your brand is very important, not knowing the channels and platforms you want to use or how to use them can disrupt the flow of your content and come off as a little unprofessional. So how do you know which channels to focus on?

Firstly, you need to look at how your audience consumes content overall. Whether it is long-form (youtube, podcast or blogs) or short form (Facebook posts, Instagram, or LinkedIn content) this can tell you a lot and point you in the direction of what works, eliminating more risks and saving you time when you’re trying to reach the right audience.

Eliana has found that Instagram has worked super well for her, her audience is always engaging with content and keeping up to date with the messages she's bringing across. Have you thought about using Instagram for your content?  

And, pro-tip, when focussing not only on the channels to use but also the messaging to communicate in a dry industry, remember that your personal branding is your strongest asset. Show your audience what experiences they will get when working with you and communicate this through visual mediums as well as verbal messaging. If you’re finding that you are struggling with portraying the right messaging for our brand, outsourcing is always an option if you need some extra guidance.

At the end of the day, your brand is YOU. It is your personality, your aesthetic, your name, and your biggest passion all in one, so the best thing you can do is to find a channel that feels authentic that you love to use and stick with it. 

However, don’t shy away from experimenting with other platforms as well, different channels can be utilised to show different sides of you. For example, Instagram can be used for your entrepreneurial journey while your blog can be for more educational purposes, so try them out and see what you like!


How do you know if your content is working? 

So, after all of the trial and error, content creation, and storytelling, how do you know if your content is reaching the goals you want it to reach? Well, there are a number of things you can do to check up on your progress and see how you’re going.

You should be checking in with your analytics and stats regularly, and yes, we know how boring that can be, but if you need help on how to navigate numbers for your content, check out Content Queen’s blog here on how to do that!

Other ways you can measure your content is through quarterly or monthly check-ins, this can especially help when you’re looking at how to improve on your content or storytelling and when you need to review your goals. 

As well as this, your clients are a HUGE indicator of the progress of your content. Look at where they came from, where they are in your journey with you and how much of your resources they are utilising. All of these things together can really help you keep track of your engagement, measure your goals and improve your content in the future.

Advice for those in a dry industry for marketing your business 

Marketing your brand if you work within a dry industry can definitely feel like a tough task to take on, but I promise it isn't impossible! It can actually really push you to get on top of your content and find creative ways to stand out from the crowd.

When you are looking to take your marketing further as a business owner remember to document your personal development as well as business development. Your audience isn't just buying your product or service, they are buying you and your personality as well, so be intentional with your messages and the way you are being perceived because this all trickles down to how your business as a whole is presenting.

Make sure to also be aware of your target audience's pain points and learn to be empathetic to their struggles. Both of these things can really tell you what you need to focus on marketing (remember that this can fluctuate by the week, month and year). Tell your audience why they need your business, the skills they should be learning, and why they need to develop these skills; your business is NEEDED and relevant, so never forget to tell your audience WHY.

How to generate content ideas for a dry industry

When it comes down to it, you always need solid notes and creative ideas when marketing your business, and content idea generation is a big part of this process. If you need some guidance on where to start with what content you should create, my number 1 tip is to have a business journal.

Yep, old-fashioned pen and paper!

Have a business journal on the go and refer back to it if you’re stuck. Prompts like what happened at this time, what was my limiting beliefs, and what questions you had can really help. Make sure to keep it with you in your day-to-day to note things down, remember that EVERYTHING can be looked at as content you just have to start opening your mind. Use the journal as a reflective tool and use it to create unique content, even the struggles that you note down are amazing for teaching lessons and growing as a business owner.

Make sure to share what you note down with your clients and audience whilst giving them a solution, this type of content is SO VALUABLE so never take it for granted.


Final thoughts 

Whether you are in a ‘dry’ industry or not, show your personality and be yourself. Being different and blending content in with this is the best way to show up for your audience and create valuable content that is fun to follow.

Educate and reach out in new and exciting ways that are entertaining your audience whilst engaging their attention. Just because it is a ‘dry’ industry, that doesn't mean the content has to be dry too!

If you find value in this blog, make sure you share it with me on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram! Even better, share it with your audience! You can also listen to the episodes below!