129: SELL your products and services through stories | Dexter Moscow

Storytelling and marketing are what I have spoken about A LOT in the last 23 weeks of the year. NOW we are up to the next level. Storytelling and selling! Using storytelling to sell within our business.

I have called in an EXTREMELY experienced selling expert and storyteller, Dexter Moscow who shares with us formulas, tips, and strategies around selling through storytelling! You don’t want to miss this one!

If you LOVED the episode, make sure you share this on your Instagram stories and tag us @contentqueenmariah and @dexter.moscow.


  • The three elements to storytelling to sell

  • The 4 E’s of storytelling and selling

  • How you can sell through your content

  • How to use storytelling to sell to an online audience



Dexter Moscow has a considerable amount of practical selling experience that comes from his many years appearing in front of the camera on QVC The Shopping Channel selling £millions of products for major technology companies and other notable retailers.

In addition to his on-screen appearances, for 16 years he worked behind the camera as their Chief Guest Trainer coaching and training guest presenters and celebrities to excel at the art of ‘selling on telly’. In effect selling to an invisible audience.

This experience of, how to create a compelling selling proposition, informs his approach to sales coaching and communication in the corporate arena.

The same processes and frameworks he used when coaching others on how to sell on TV are the same when we are seeking to get our message across.

Dexter has written a book on the subject called Stand Up and Sell that enables those who follow these tried and tested processes to be more effective in their sales and presenting activities.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @contentqueenmariah!

Other than that, enjoy - chat next week 💕