The Content Queen new biz plan!

Have you ever experienced that itchy feeling of just needing a big change, whether it is expected, planned, or completely thrown at you at the last second - that feeling like you need to start something new?

Well over the last couple of months that have been ME! 

Change used to be such a scary concept, but going through the huge life experience I have just had has opened my eyes to how good a shift in your life can be. That’s why I’ve decided to take my beloved Content Queen from a solely ‘me’ business and made it ‘we’!

Yep, Content Queen is getting a revamp WOOHOO

Now, this change is coming a little faster than first expected (I initially had plans to start making changes in June) but when in hospital, I felt it was now time to make that shift on social media considering that my CQ IG page has been based around my personal journey. I have always believed and practised the idea of sharing yourself on your business page to really give your brand a personal touch, however, Content Queen has just grown so much bigger than me now that I feel like it’s the perfect time to let it flourish! 

I can’t thank you guys enough for the constant support through my digital nomad journey and really hope you’ll join me in welcoming the brand new Content Queen!


What the new changes look like? 

So, with the new changes what can you expect? Well, I’m so excited to tell you!

I am so excited to venture, expand and grow not only Content Queen but personally as well! Building an agency of freelancers to continue to help entrepreneurs and business owners with content marketing and creation is our biggest aim. 

Not only this, but we are ecstatic to launch our brand new Instagram account for Content Queen! This account will show Content Queen in all her glory with a sleek new feed and bangin’ tips and tricks on all things marketing, content creation and so much shared knowledge. 

This new Instagram won’t just have a fresh look but also a fresh direction, focussing on an agency-style business that centres around education that will eventually be subscription-based (how exciting)! But for now, I have created these amazing and super helpful content templates to get you started on upping your content game, click the link here to get your hands on them!

And don't worry, the podcast will still be happening each week as well as the blog - BUT this new Instagram will be your go-to for all the help you need. Make sure you give it a follow! 

Why are we doing this? 

The reason why Content Queen (and myself) are making such a big change is that this business has just outgrown itself!

Content Queen is no longer a me. It is a “we”. I have some amazing members in my team including: 

Shannon: my amazing and crazy talented content writer and creator 

Cynthia: my graphic designer with incredible creative skills 

Shiela: my beautiful VA who also helps clients with social media 

It is our dream to work together in creating an agency of freelancers with the opportunity to work together whilst being anywhere in the world! 

We want to work alongside you to help you market your purpose-driven business so you can gain the clients you want, to live a life full of alignment and purpose. 

Not only this though, I want to be able to share with you my personal journey - through health (and my struggles), through being a business owner, and through being a digital nomad, but because Content Queen isn't just about me anymore, It’s time to separate the two to allow both to grow and flourish!

Content Queen is about collaboration and community, it’s about allowing other voices, talents, businesses, and content to shine through and lift those around us up. Being a content creation business, educational hub, business coach and entrepreneur means that this business is heavily community based which I love, so it’s super important to me now that Content Queen stands for this as much as I do personally.

Of course, I’m scared, there are so many ‘what ifs’ that I could question. My story is a daunting one to tell and starting a new Instagram can feel as though I’m starting from square one, but I know these are important journeys to share and I can’t wait to see where this storytelling will take us next!

When is this happening? 

Starting at the beginning of this week (May 3rd, 2021), the new Content Queen Instagram will be in its soft launch period, which is the week of launch we’re things may be a bit unsettled and we are warming everyone up to the new look. 

Next week (beginning on the 10th May 2021) will be Content Queen’s hard launch, where finally our strategy will come to life! Our content will be created around the purpose of education while helping entrepreneurs make content creation an easy and fun process (no it doesn't always have to be scary and boring). We’ll, of course, also be bringing in some awesome guests to help with different topics and to give you some very unique perspectives.

This new IG platform will be focused on content and marketing and I’m so excited that you all finally get to see it!

What is the next step? 

Now it’s time for us to implement our strategy!

We’ve been working on the perfect way to create, push and perfect our content and now it’s finally time for it to be put to the test. And how do we do that? We ACTION, POST, AND SHARE!

Shannon and I have been working super hard to bring the new Content Queen and content strategy to life and we can’t believe it’s finally time for everyone to join our journey! Working on idea collation, batching, trialing new features, and playing around with new platforms can be tricky stuff and a little overwhelming, but we know how worth it will be in the end to bring a fresh breath into the new Instagram! 

Can you notice what’s changed about our new feed?

How are we doing this?

This type of strategy can be a lot of work but it’s definitely a great way to a trial brand new platforms and systems when starting fresh! So what are we using? 

Podcast mode is full steam ahead, I have been working on batching podcasts to have enough time and preparation to prepare the notes and blogs that come with it (lifesaver by the way)!

We work in a flow that allows enough time for everything to be prepared and the theme of the week to be explored as thoroughly as possible, and of course, have fun while doing it. 

Using platforms like AirTable to prepare a weekly story and post content, Facebook Creator Studio and Canva to schedule content and design posts, and of course my free content strategy templates (click the link here to snatch these up) to organise absolutely everything have made this process and strategy a whole lot easier!

So while implementing new content strategies or processes can be a little intimidating, don’t be afraid to venture out of old habits! Grow with your business and try new things, you never know how much easier life can be when you update not only your systems but your mindset as well!

Advice for you in the future 

If you’re thinking of starting a new business venture in the near future, here is my advice to you.

  1. Take your time and don’t rush, a big change like this can be a slow burn and that’s okay! Take the time to figure out the direction you want to go in and have the patience to let your ideas grow organically. Of course, you need to be active in your moves, but don’t push anything to happen faster than it needs to, taking your time to prepare will help you SO MUCH later down the track. Trust me!

  2. Do the research on your target audience to make sure your business remains aligned. When your business grows and changes so will your target audience, people and trends will come and go so make sure you’re ready for that by researching the wants and needs of the audience you are marketing to. 

  3. Outsource the jobs that become too much to save yourself time and stress! There’s no use trying to wear ALL the hats in your business, allow yourself to let go of the reins a little bit and work with people you trust to help you. Your business is your baby but as they say, it takes a village to raise a child, so be prepared to give up some responsibility so you are able to work towards your goals to your fullest potential.

Final thoughts 

This whole journey is a brand new chapter in my life that even I haven't completely figured out yet, but that’s all a part of being an entrepreneur and business owner. You learn to take risks and trust in your skills to take your business to the next level, and while change can be scary sometimes it is necessary for growth (and can actually be really exciting).

If you’re looking to take that leap into a new adventure, I hope my journey through this huge change can spark that inspiration for you to embrace the change! 

I can’t thank you enough for supporting me through the last couple of months and, hopefully, the next stage in Content Queen’s life - there are so many exciting things to come and I can’t wait to share them with you!

P.s Follow the NEW IG! 


“Be a content queen (or king) and remember developing your content develops your business”