How to never run out of content ideas again!

The REAL question when it comes to writing content for your business… HOW DO I NEVER RUN OUT OF CONTENT IDEAS?

Well, that really is an interesting one! Because, can we continue to create content forever? I always wonder things like “will we ever run out of music beats?” What happens when every combination has been done? Do we just listen to the same beats with just different lyrics?

Food for thought right there!

Anyway, back to the point. If you have a niche business or a business that not everyone is interested in (or they are), how do you make sure you don’t run out of things to talk about?

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It’s fine, you won’t!

And here is why… read below or listen to my podcast, I have the tips to help you never run out of things to talk about! Trust me, you will be talking underwater on your socials, blogs, etc. (well maybe not actually).

Use the content pillars

Yes, I know you have heard me (well if you have read my other content) say this A LOT!! Has it sunk in yet?

Use the four content pillars, these will help you structure your social media posts so you aren’t running out of things to say, and you have variety.

These include:

  • Inform: This is information around yourself, your business and your offers 

  • Educate: the tips and tricks you provide to add value 

  • Engage: the conversations and two-way posts you provide so your target audience can join in 

  • Fun: this is your entertaining posts, your behind the scenes and your life events

I developed these because I was the same! It got to nighttime and I knew I had to post on social media and I had NO idea what to say!! Don’t be this person anymore!

Ask your audience what they want to know!

Start a spreadsheet, get it happening! Ask your audience on social media, ask your clients. Have those conversations and note down what they come back with! This will give you weeks of content, to begin with.

Don’t just stop there though, make this a habit!! Continue to ask, monthly, every three months, whatever that looks like! Maybe even weekly. Continue to have those conversations and get that content happening!!


Note down questions from talking with your target audience

Never take for granted normal conversations with networking groups, your target audience, whatever that looks like! They might even ask you something simple that you can turn into content for your business!

Always have your ears open and somewhere to note these ideas down! I can guarantee you these will come up daily and you wouldn’t even realise.

Use Ubersuggest

YAS, my marketing guru crush, Neil Patel developed this for multiple reasons, but one of the features I LOVE is the content ideas section!!

Write in your keyword and click on the 'content ideas section' and BANG! Look at all these!!


I usually select the US but you can select the country relevant to your target audience!! Or have a mixture from each!

This tool is great for A LOT of things, but for now, use it for the content generation!

Use Answer The Public

Maybe you don’t have a huge following just yet OR they aren’t giving you a lot right now. Well, another great tool is Answer the Public!

Again, type in your topic and here you go, LOADS of ideas!


Look at forums

There is Quora, FB groups, Reddit, you name it!! Search your keyword in and look at what people are asking!!

Create content around it and then you can use your content to answer their question and promote your work!! This is a win-win right here and creates backlinks!!

What are backlinks you ask??? Find out more here from Junto Digital.

Your own personal journey - be relatable (your wins and fails)

Ohh yes, nice one!! SHARE YOUR JOURNEY! Or the business journey, whatever that looks like! Share your team members volunteering, all that fun stuff.

I talk a lot about “how to stand out with your content” in this blog and I think you should use some of these techniques to help show some personality in your content!

But really, there will be things that happen to you DAILY that you can talk about!!

Repurpose content

Don’t be afraid to do this!! Remember not everyone will see everything you post across all your platforms! So repurpose!!

Gary Vee has an amazing guide on how he does this! See it here and be amazed….

BUT I want to share with you how I repurpose my content so you can see how it all works and talks to each other!!

Also, see more tips on my latest LinkedIn blog!


Of course, you want unique pieces on your preferred platforms, but some can just be repurposed stuff!

Have a content strategy

One of the most FULL proof ways to never run out of content is of course to have a content strategy. A strategy is simply a content plan. It means you plan out what you will post on each platform and where you will be showing up.

Each platform and day will have a theme (the content pillars) AND then each week you know the types of content you need to be producing, which inspires content topics!!

Learn more about content strategy here.

Plan your content in advance

Now once you have a content strategy it will allow you to create a plan around your content weekly. What I do is each week I sit down on a Sunday and write captions for all of my social posts for the week! Plus because I know the theme of my week, I record my podcast a least a few days before releasing it AND my blog! Makes for more time in your days and stress-free content.

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Have it all talk to each other (blogs, pods etc.)

What does this mean exactly? Well, have a theme for the week!! Then all your content relates to that topic! Of course, you have to mix it up with some different social posts, but say… for example my topic this week is “how to never run out content topics”.

So what I do is…

  • Have my podcast

  • Have my blog

  • Have some tips and tricks from the content laid out across my days

  • Promote both the blog and pod

That gives me a lot of content for the week and it all relates without confusing people or overwhelming them with TOO MUCH information! It makes it flow.

Hold yourself accountable

Use a Google Calendar or Airtable and schedule in all the days you post. Then your phone will send you a reminder when you need to post.

If you have created all your content on the Sunday before, then all you need to do is get an image (or video) and post directly to the platform.

Maybe scheduling is easier for you? Hootsuite and Planoly are great platforms. That way you know what days you are posting what and it makes for seamless topic ideas.

Here is mine:


Or maybe you need an accountability partner?

Get inspo from others in your niche/the industry

Have a look at what others are doing and get inspiration. NEVER EVER copy, but just get a feel for what topics are trending and what new social media hacks or trends people are doing. This will help inspire you on what topics to create!

Save them and use the inspiration on days you aren’t sure what to post! Be creative and add your flair to everything, but yes never ever copy captions, that is NOT okay.

Also, educate people on industry changes/industry news! This is a great way to inform people!

Hire a content writer/marketer

Of course, if you really hate writing or hate creating ideas, hire someone to help you!! Outsourcing is key for business success and if something is taking up a lot of your time, hire someone to do it for you!!

Plus a content writer/marketer will have all the ideas you haven’t even thought about!

Want to know more about hiring a content writer? Contact us or learn more here!

BONUS: Write about the failures and successes to educate

As said perfectly by Convince&Convert, track your successes and failures within your business (or life) and share them. Just like I mentioned before with showing your personality!

These are the types of things that will make you relatable but will also help people to trust you!

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People connect with other people's stories, so share yours! Even if it is a horror story or you are scared of what people will think. It will help build a connection, which is the overall aim of creating content, so people will content with your brand!

Final thoughts

Put energy into your content and TRUST me, you will never run out of ideas. Open your eyes to what is happening around you and inspiration will come daily!

Have your core piece of content (blog, video or podcast) and use that topic to spark your content on your social media! But remember, ALWAYS have a strategy so your content speaks to each other and flows in a way people can connect!