How to start producing content on social media

Social media plays one of the biggest roles in our lives. On average a normal person spends around 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social media! As you are well aware, that is a lot of time scrolling through content.

With a shift in online businesses, social media has become a dominant platform for businesses and entrepreneurs to show up on to deliver value and messages to their target audience. But how do we actually start showing up? What do we need to start doing to get people’s engagement and attention?

Different social media platforms offer different services and engage with audiences differently, so I've put together a mini-guide so you can start showing up and add value to your clients!


With the algorithm, Facebook or Meta can be tricky to get maximum impact and reach with your audience. But Facebook is VERY effective when used right. If you are a service-based business, start a group or create content in popular groups. It is a great way to interact with your followers and get more aligned clients into your business.

Otherwise, be smart with your posts to Facebook. You want to have a variety of engagement posts, funny posts and also business offerings.

Facebook is a great place to share your content including videos, blogs and podcast episodes. Just make sure you put context around your posts, add some value and have a call to action so people know what you want them to do from your posts.


Now Instagram is a hugely growing platform, a type of platform people are now using to provide a lot of value and engagement with their audience across Reels, Stories and static posts.

You can use IG stories to talk to your clients, ask them questions using the question box and polls. You can show them behind the scenes of your business and really open up with the “fun” pillar I talk about in my blog “The types of information you want to provide clients”.

Instagram uses casual language and you can also use this type of language to really build a relationship with your clients - show them you are human.

Use Reels to inform, educate and engage all at the same time. Make sure you also have a call to action on these posts so people know what you want them to do next. It could be as simple as a comment on the post!

Instagram is a great platform to create mini-blogs, videos using stories, IG live and IGTV. It is an ideal platform to be seen as a great resource. But remember, think SHORT and SHARP content.


LinkedIn is a great space for B2B (business to business) content. The great thing about LinkedIn is the development it has made in the last few years around the level of professionalism on the platform.

Obviously, it is a place for professionals, however, more normal life situations are promoted to be shared. It makes us all a little more relatable. For LinkedIn content, you can provide anything from longer-form blog posts to caption, article sharing and of course video.

Thought-leadership is a great type of content you can provide on this channel to create conversation and connection.


The micro-blogging platform, Twitter is a great space to post curated content and content that is happening NOW! You can use it to host live chats through a thread.

Twitter is a great space to get content out there, however, you need to be smart about it! Make it related to the NOW, share content that is occurring around the globe. Twitter is a great space to talk about trending topics, just make sure they relate to your target audience and your niche.

It is a fast paced channel so you want to be on the ball with this one! It takes a lot of effort.


The “newest" kid of the block”, TikTok is no longer a channel for the younger generation or dancing. TikTok is huge and it is continuing to grow. One thing with TikTok is, be unique. Be authentic. Find a topic you want to be known for and use your creativity to STRIVE on this platform. You can get good growth on this channel. Start leveraging it!

This platform needs to be taken more seriously.

The big five - social platforms

These platforms are what I would consider the “big 5”, however, there are A LOT out there you can really start showing up on. Just remember make sure it aligns with your business, but more importantly, make sure it aligns with your target audience! Don’t be afraid to ask what they prefer.

Also, don’t be afraid to try a new platform to see if you like it! It might be a little fish in a big pond but you may get a lot of benefits from it! Just try new things, it is all a learning process. However, make sure you pick a main platform you show up on daily and the others you show up on every few days (just to kick things off).

What is your favourite social platform and why? Let me know!

For me, it is definitely IG!! So many elements to it and so much value-added content on this social channel! Connect with me on Instagram and see what else I offer.

To sum it up, start creating on social media if you are stressed about producing blogs and podcasts - that can come later! If you need help getting started with your content plan for social media, download my content strategy template and start levelling up.

Of course, if you want MORE. More accountability and MORE support to get your started on a social media channel. If you need guides, templates and resources, my membership will be perfect for you!


Learn more about LinkedIn

Learn more about Instagram

Learn more about TikTok

Learn more about social media

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