How to make a blog strategy

Blogging is an essential platform at Content Queen, it is our core channel! This is why you will see within our blog section that we have pages and pages of blogs, it is how we optimise our Google searches and are found and how we give information to people searching.

But overall, the thing that has made our blog so successful is having a strategy in place! So let’s explore blog strategies and how to create one uniquely for your content and business!

How to make a blog strategy 

Creating a blog strategy doesn't have to be so complex, you can start simple and build it up or alter it as you go. Remember, nothing has to be permanent but make sure you give it a fair amount of time to settle in and reach its potential!

When creating a blog strategy, we can break it down into 8 parts:

  1. Google Console - Focus on the words you are being searched for. Keyword research and SEO are VERY important for your blog strategy, so have a look here on how to optimise it!

  2. Keyword research - Again, keyword research is so important! Use platforms like Uber Suggest to find out the keywords in your niche.

  3. Utilise a spreadsheet for planning - This is a great way we plan out our blogs! It can give you a space to break it all up and be organised. Have a look at the screenshot below for some inspiration on how you can break down the planning of your own blog!

  4. Title - The title of the blog is also important so make sure to consider keywords and SEO here too

  5. Offer to link - Within your blog, make sure to reference and link your offerings throughout (use resources that are relevant to your blog topic) 

  6. Keyword - Include keywords within your blog and especially within the first 100 words.

  7. Start this from the beginning - Once you’ve done all of these steps, repeat them for each blog!

  8. Audit - Then lastly, Put a reminder down every 6-12 months to review your blogs to make them up to date

As an extra tip - also have a look at where you will share your blog content. Pinterest, Social Media, in FB groups and forums? Think about where you can repurpose your blog and utilise it for those platforms.

The 5 steps to starting creating long-form content for your business  

A long-form piece of content allows you to dive into a topic and be seen and heard in much more detail than you could with a simple caption or Instagram Reel. 

Most creators and business owners should (or do) have a long-form content piece, so if you don’t have some sort of long-form content or you want to revisit your current form, have a look at these steps!

Step 1: Find the right long-form channels for you, it could be:

  1. Video 

  2. Blog 

  3. Podcast 

  4. Email newsletters/evergreen freebie content 

If you need help finding this out, check out our Content Queen content channel quiz here! You’ll know the perfect channel for you in just 5 minutes!

Step 2: Research the channel. How do people use it? What topics are out there? What do you need to get started on this platform? Ask around, better yet, ask us (feel free to send us a DM on our Instagram here!! You can also join Facebook groups and ask for help that way.

Step 3: Brainstorm the content you want to create on this channel. Get your ideas down so you have a good list of them! You can do this on paper, in your notes app or even voice note your ideas.

Step 4: Create an action/launch plan! What date will you start? How often will you post? Start making a plan around this and write it down. 

Step 5: Create, post, share, repeat! Just do it. Make it happen. But make sure you use your platforms like social media to share the content. Give people a taste so they want more!

What having a blog taught me 

These are the 6 lessons I learned from starting my first blog. One of the biggest lessons was actually about how to learn! 

When you create on a content channel you learn by doing. Even though you may not know everything you need to know now, you will learn eventually through research, looking at inspiration, and even failing. Yep, failing!

All of what we learn in content is about just doing - so these are some of the lessons I learned while doing:

1. Power of consistency - It is important to show up regularly, when I eventually began to plan my schedule I saw so much more traction!

2. The tech behind creating a blog/content - Make sure you put time into learning your website and its potential, learn about posting and scheduling blogs and keywords surrounding it. This will help immensely in the future of your business.

3. The marketing around promoting a blog/content - Learn SEO, technical marketing, and other types of marketing to help boost your content

4. The need to promote the blog for it to be SEEN - Talk about your business and services everywhere you can online and in person!

5. The ways to make it time-efficient - Repurposing is key here.

6. Power of collaboration and community - Learn from others and connect, get people to join in on the conversation!

These are some of the lessons I have learned so far, but there is so much more to still learn! So don’t be afraid to just jump in and give it a go. Whether it is putting a strategy in place, starting a new business venture or learning a new skill, you learn the most by doing - so just go for it!

Final thoughts 

Having a strategy in place for your blog is an amazing way to approach long-form content in your business. Long-form content and blogging, in general, can allow you and your business to be seen and heard and your skills to be showcased!

A way to allow this for your business is to, first, know the right content channel for you to let your content THRIVE! So, to find out which content channel is for you, take the Content Queen content channel quiz - it’s super quick and easy and will get you on the right path in no time.

Once you become comfortable with your long-form content channel, make sure to repurpose out to other platforms. The opportunities are endless, so start planning today!

“Be a content queen (or king) and remember developing your content develops your business”
