How to scale your email marketing

Email marketing, we have so many questions about email marketing. Is it dead? How do I get people to open my emails, the LOT! 

So I had copywriter and email guru Anna Rogan join me to talk about all things email marketing and content for emails. 

Anna Rogan is a foolhardy olive farmer and creative copywriter who specialises in personality-driven websites and email copy for small business owners. 

So should we get stuck into it? Let’s talk about email marketing. 


What are the key email marketing struggles? 

We are pretty certain nearly everyone has struggles when it comes to email marketing and creating emails. Do any of these ring a bell to you? 

“What do I write about.” 
“How do I improve my open rates?” 
“How can I create consistently good content when I’m time poor.” 

Do any of these stress you out? Well, yes, you aren’t alone, others feel the same. But don’t stress, Anna is here to provide you with some different thoughts around email marketing! 

Is email marketing dead? 

Short answer, no. But long answer... 

Think about the opportunity that is there in your emails. People are joining your email list because they want to hear from you! They have signed up to get your freebie or to get your value, email isn’t dead - think about how you are marketing your email list. 

But as Anna shared, Campaign Monitor provides some great stats around email marketing that will convince you email marketing is NOT dead! 

An email is 40 times more effective than getting new customers than Twitter or Facebook, and for every $1 spent on emails gives you $40 on your ROI! WHAT?! That is crazy and even more evidence to suggest that emails are NOT dead! If you find your emails aren’t getting anywhere, look at your subject lines and the value you are adding! Remember, your email list is valuable, more valuable than your followers on IG (believe it or not) so nurture them.

Tips on how to get started with amazing email marketing

Oh yes, this has what you have been waiting for right? Yep well Anna DELIVERED on the tips! 

Personalisation is very important in subject & copy
Make sure you trial this but don’t over use it in the subject line! Of course, everyone likes it when you address them personally, just don’t make it sound fake like “I’ve been thinking about you, Mariah”... umm I doubt it. 

Be natural and genuine 
Talk how you would speak! Connect with people, we aren’t robots, we want to know you and your business and get the value from you!  

If you need help with your tone, I have a good little guide that can help you define this!

Mix up your content - publish different content in your emails 
Don’t be so predictable, who is guilty of just using your email marketing to publish your repurposed content from your social media etc. ME guilty! What you can do is use one theme to promote your blog and podcast. 

Mix up your content, see what works and what gets you open rates. Add in the detailed content for those who love detailed content and give the short sharp content for those who skim read! Don’t just push out the same style content ALL the time (unless it continues to work). 

Give people excitement to open your emails! So they make a cuppa and take the time to read and enjoy it! 

Don’t just have “top tips” 
As we mentioned, mix up your content! Don’t just have top tips all the time. It gets old and stale.

One clear idea or theme (I SAY THIS A LOT) 
You know I say this a lot. So try and stick to one key theme in your email. This way it isn’t too confusing, and people know what they should be taking away from your email! Of course, in an email newsletter you might be plugging your content, but try and have a key takeaway!! 

Use “Call To Actions” more than once 
Use a p.s at the bottom to promote your offer and have it throughout your newsletter! Remember, people need to be reminded to take action!! 

Curate content if you struggle for time 
Of course, do this and make sure you add some exclusive content so people feel valued! This will definitely save time! Repurpose what you have and extend on it for some exclusivity for your audience. 

Look at the data and see what you need to edit (subject lines, click-through rates) 
So if your open rates aren’t great, look at your subject lines and if your click-through rate isn’t great, is your button not big enough or do you not have enough CTA’s? Have a look at what you need to tweak. 

Listen below!!

Listen below!!

How to prevent yourself with falling into junk mail

Of course, this is the chicken and the egg type scenario. To prevent not going into junk mail, you need to ensure people are clicking on your content, but if you are starting out, that can be tough. That is why creating engaging content is so important. 

But think of trigger words and don’t make exaggerated claims like “you can’t live without”. There is a good tool you can use to track if your email is triggering junk mail, it can be found here.

Also, cleaning up your list can prevent you from continuing to be in people’s junk mail. Even send an email to ask people “do you still want to be subscribed to my list, click here” and if they don’t within a certain time (send them reminders) then delete them off your list if they don’t act. This seems scary, but it helps with a fresh start! 

It will help you get out of the junk mail. You can also google “email subject line trigger words” to see what words you shouldn’t use in junk mail.

Should I do an email newsletter? 

Short answer, yes! As we mentioned above, give that exclusivity in your email marketing! Your newsletter can be used to inform people and give them the tips and tricks they need around your niche. Be excited about creating your newsletter! 

Your email newsletter should be that place where people can connect with you and your brand. Don't just use it because you have been told to use it. Don’t just slap together an email with all your content from other channels. 

As for frequency of the newsletter, it depends on your audience and the time you have. Experiment with your audience or ask them how often they want to hear from you and what they want! You can create a survey monkey link to them with a survey where they can tell you! 

Email newsletters come down to energy! The more energy you put into it, the more you will get out of it! Obviously the more you can send out content (weekly rather than monthly) the more technically beneficial, but obviously it comes down to time!   

Use your email newsletter to give a tool and an exercise so people get the value!


What is a “welcome sequence”? 

So an email sequence comes when people subscribe through a form or freebie (lead magnet). It is a good opportunity to engage and build a connection, this is where you want to get people to open your email and continue to open them. So first impressions count right! 

It is a time to introduce your brand and values, but of course, not one size fits all. Map out your ideal client, where are they right now and how they think, feel and know. So from there where you want them to be at the end of the sequence, what is the goal of the sequence? At the end of the emails, how do you then want them to think, feel and know? 

It is always good to have a journey planned and goals for your email sequence! 

What is the difference between a marketing sequence and a sales sequence in email marketing? 

Now you have your welcome sequence, what is a marketing sequence, and what is a sales sequence?? 
Your “welcome sequence” can be both a marketing and a sales sequence. The difference between the two is, you might have a different goal. For marketing, it is about engagement and awareness, and for sales it is well, to sell. 

There will be a cross over, and your welcome email can be used as a soft sell. They both build on connection, but you might decide to do a marketing funnel for your welcome email and sell later. It is based on what you want your audience to think, feel and know!   

When should I introduce myself when a subscriber signs up? 

Think about it like this...What are your audiences’ most immediate concerns?? 

Is it to know you are trustworthy and relatable or is it to know how to do XYZ? Do people need to know you first or can they later. It is about asking yourself “what does my community need from me”. Again, it is about user experience! 

If you don’t have the audience to find this out, use your competitors, forums and social media to find out! Do the research!! 

Content Queen Mariah Content Marketing

Do long-form emails work? 

Short answer, yes. But they work if they are engaging and relatable! The tone needs to be conversational and it needs to draw in your audience. 

"There is a saying in copywriting, take only as many words you need to express the thing you need to express" - Anna Rogan

So don’t skim on the details but don’t use too much language if you don’t need to. 

Also, when it comes to long-form content, use bullet points, headings and blog content for the people who want to get the key messages without reading it all. 

Your p.s and p.p.s work here too! 

Should I story tell and share stories in my emails? 

Storytelling can make for really compelling emails and gives people an insight into who you are! People don’t want to do business with people, not a faceless brand, so storytelling gives a brand life! It builds connection, but it needs to have context and needs to be relevant to what you are offering! 

Don’t try and twist a story so you can tell it. Don’t force it! If it is an issue you are still working out, leave it out of the public domain until you are out of the bad times.

Storytelling is a great way to connect and build up that engagement.


 How to generate an email list 

You need to SELL your email list! Make people want to join like they would if you wanted them to join your program or buy from you! 

Ask yourself, where can you use the content in other platforms? On your socials to promote your email list. Give a freebie and not just a freebie for the sake of it! One you would sell! One you would offer someone for $$!! 

People want to join your list because you add value, do add value and promote your email list, but give people a reason to join. Put the energy into!! Energy is important. 

Look at where you can promote it, on your socials, on your website and in your freebie offers!

Good examples of email marketing

Okay, I just wanted to share with you the emails I LOVE. Like the ones I save to read when I have a cuppa (not a joke) 

  • Neil Patel - gives SO much marketing value and he usually links you to just a source he has already made, and no joke did a podcast emails a few days ago I don’t make this up! His emails aren’t pretty, but they add value 

  • Ruby Lee - she has recently changed her style to tell stories and share insights, and I LOVE IT

  • Ela Muzar - a weekly email with one key theme and loads of value! She is the IG guru and shares that knowledge in her emails! 

  • Lindsay Schroeder - a spiritual coach who offers that exclusivity we mentioned! I love her monthly newsletters where she talks about new rituals and just wow, gives value! So much value! 

There are some good ones out there. Subscribe to some in your industry and beyond and see what you like as a reader and what you don’t! But my tip, don’t just use it to sell, use it to add value! 

Final thoughts 

HOW good was Anna’s value? You can listen to the whole podcast below. But to sum it up really, treat your email list like gold. It is precious, and people don’t sign up lightly like they would on social media! 

In episode 22 I talk to the amazing Anna Rogan about all things email marketing and how to create good copy for your emails! I loved this episode SO much and there is so many takeaways and strategies you can implement into your business around your email marketing, you will absolutely LOVE this one!

Remember it is a privilege to be in the list, not a right! So add that exclusive content you would want being on someone’s email list! 

If you want a beautiful platform to design your emails, I highly recommend Flo Desk (I hated email creating until I discovered this beauty). If you sign up with my code here, you get 50% off (SUCH A BONUS). If you want to sign up to my email list, you can hold me accountable for all these tips Anna has shared! 

Be a content queen (or king) and remember developing your content develops your business

Before you go… 


Let’s build a content strategy for your business! 

Are you a little lost with your social media and the content you are producing? 

You want to show up for your target audience but you aren’t sure where to start? 

COME JOIN me on Sunday, April 18 for a Content Strategy workshop!! 

What is a content strategy? 

Don’t be scared, a content strategy is just a fancy word for the planning of your content on social media and other digital platforms online! 

Think of it like this…. It is a plan that keeps you accountable so you know when you should be showing up, where you should be showing up and what you should be saying!! 

Content Queen Mariah Content Marketing

A content strategy will help you (IT CAN WITH EMAIL TOO): 

  • Show up consistently 

  • Inform your target audience

  • Align all your platforms (social media, blog, pods and the like) 

  • Will give you more confidence (because you will feel prepared)  

If you think this is something you need, purchase a ticket and let’s get content developing!! 

Originally this was an in-person event in Melbourne, but of course, we adapt to change so now it is an online virtual event (BYO drinks and snacks!!)

What can you expect?? 

  • A workshop where you can implement a content strategy you can use for your bizz

  • A workbook with your strategy 

  • Time with me to get clarity on your content (social media, blogs, podcasts etc) 

I hope you can come join me! If you can’t, I will send you the replay and you will have an opportunity to ask me some questions after the workshop! MORE HERE

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