How to produce the content that will help your business stand out! A checklist

We all know producing content is part of business. The rise of content marketing has made it nearly impossible to be successful in online business without content.

Whether that is being active on social media, having a blog, website copy or a podcast - it all requires content!! You can’t escape it, even though I bet you wish you could, because gosh it takes time to create.


BUT, in the online world we can’t get away with just producing content! I know what you must be thinking, ‘you’re telling me not only do I need to invest time in producing content, but there is MORE I need to do’, yes sorry there is.

And here it is… you need to be producing content people want to engage with! Yes, you produce content to help with SEO but NOW you need to be producing content people want to read, watch or listen to!

So, the real question is, how do YOU create content that will stand out above ALLLL the other content out there in the world? Great question… not sure.

Joking, no I do, I have listed below a little checklist for you! This will provide you with some tips to start creating content that your aligned audience will LOVE.

But, what you need to remember is, you don’t need to serve everyone. Some people won’t relate to you, and that is okay!

Okay, so shut up Mariah and give me the facts… Yep okay.

Pick a theme of the week

What do I mean by this? Okay, so have a topic you discuss weekly and provide content around it. For example, this week I released a podcast on this topic, listen below. But I have created this blog to match it.

Then my social profiles will complement these content pieces. So rather than talk about 1,000 things around content in one week, I am targeting one theme and rolling with it.

Alternate between the pillars

Yes, the content pillars. I legit talk about these weekly. What are they?

  • Inform: this is information around yourself, your business and your offers

  • Educate: the tips and tricks you provide to add value

  • Engage: the conversations and two-way posts you provide so your target audience can join in on the conversation

  • Fun: this is your entertaining posts and your behind the scenes

Look at new platforms on the market and see if you can be creative

Maybe it is Tiktok? Or a platform that exists but you haven’t shown up on yet? Without overloading yourself, pick a platform to show up on in a different way! Maybe you don’t sell at all on this platform but just create cool and engaging content.

This leads to people following you on the other channels you actually sell on! Make sense? Maybe you do just funny Youtube videos to get people engaging, which leads them to find out more about you!

Always update your content

You can read Niel Patel’s article on this one (I bloody love that guy), but he talks about going through your old content and updating it.

This way people can discover your old stuff that is still relevant BUT it also helps with SEO, so it is a win-win. You may have a fantastic blog from years ago that just needs a few tweaks and once it is re-shared on your socials, generates a lot of interest.

Promote your content

That means you must PROMOTE YOUR CONTENT!! How are you going to stand out above the rest if no one knows your content exists? Well, it is all about the energy you put into things. So, add some value in an IG post with the takeaways from your blog post or podcast and share it!

Ask people to engage with your content. Don’t just say, “Hey, I produced this piece on XYZ, you can learn more about it by reading my latest blog post” - NO that is not encouraging anyone to read it! Add more value!!

A writer who has content marketing skills

Plan for your content

Of course, you want to have a plan for your content. Using the content pillars, ask the questions... when are you showing up and where will you be showing up? Seems like two easy questions, but to have that in a plan can be hard! That is why I use this calendar to help keep me accountable.

Listen to the podcast (below) to see how I use it!

Make sure your content talks to each other

What the hell do I mean by this??? Okay, let me break it down (I probably explain it better in the podcast), but make sure it all links.

Your podcast and your blog are on similar topics, your socials promote these topics and add value along the way. Make sure you aren’t talking about so many topics at once (like I said with the themes).

Imagine if I did this:

  • Had a podcast on content strategy

  • Had a blog on why you need to hire a content writer

  • Had some IG posts on content quotes and some content on the 'content pillars'

  • Had a LinkedIn video on why you need to be providing video on LinkedIn

THAT IS TOO MANY DIFFERENT TOPICS… and it makes it very confusing for your audience. It can get overwhelming and they will probably disengage.

Remember you can repeat yourself

So that leads me to say, this. Just because you see all your content, doesn’t mean everyone else does! So, don’t be afraid to talk about the same topics across your platforms. Remember, it can take up to seven times before someone will actually engage with and believe what you are saying #marketingtruths. It is called repurposing.


Show personality

Standard surely?? To stand out above the rest, you need to make sure you show some personality, be you, be your brand and be different!!

If you aren’t being authentic in your content, it will show!! Don’t be afraid to be the different person you are…. We all have personality traits that make us weird.

For me? I love talking, telling stories and drinking more than I should... I talk about this regularly.

Have a content and brand strategy

A strategy is key and will help you be consistent, which will help you stand out above the rest. What does your brand look like? What is the language used?

If you need help determining that, check out my guide for your brand voice (it is free). As for a content strategy, this will help you show up!! If you need one, maybe my inform package will help you get started! Message me today for more info!

Review the content

Always be looking at what you have produced, look at the stats. What is performing well and what isn’t? Always remember that you need to give things time to work (content is a long term strategy for your business), BUT you need to see what is working.

Do more of what is and less or none of what isn’t. You know the old stop, start, continue?? Do that with your content!!

Have a good headline or subject line

Draw people in to read your content with an engaging headline, subject lines and captions! Think about why you read the things you do? It is because of the headline that drew you in.

People aren’t going to read “January Newsletter” BUT they will read “Why you aren’t attracting the right clients to your business”.

Have good photos

The KEY to engagement on social platforms!! People look at the photos before anything else! Get a branding shoot. Air BnB offer these in a range of cities!! Yes, I know I need one too…

Show up, you yes YOU!! There is a face behind the brand don’t forget

Do I need to explain this one? Get on video or IG stories, just show up! Show your face, who you are and what your business stands for! People will resonate with this more than a post on IG… trust me.

Don’t ignore what your clients are saying

If your clients keep asking you about a certain topic, chances are everyone wants to know more about this. So make content around this!! Don’t ignore it because you have a content plan for the next two months, slot it in!

Ask questions

Your community, your clients and social media WILL give you the answers to your question. Ask them what they want to know more about and produce the content around this!!

You can also use “ask the public” and “Ubersuggest” to get great content ideas around the niche of your business.

Comfort zone - push through it! Things get easier

Whether it is video, live videos, publishing content about your life, push through the comfort zone. Tell people you struggle with it, they will love you more! Be honest, but don’t not show up because you are scared! People will respect you if you show up when your comfort zone has been tested.

Brainstorm - collate notes into a file

As soon as you think of an idea, GET IT DOWN. You can’t forget that bad boy, it could be pure gold!!! Have a list of your ideas so you can refer to that content when you are looking for ideas!


*BONUS ONE* - Don’t be afraid to NICHE down

As Fly Blue Kite Marketing said in their blog “how to stand out from competitors”, niching is so important and if you niche down, your content will be a lot more unique!

As they spoke about, if you had a slogan like:

“We specialise in all forms of business coaching”

That is great, but if you are good to all the market looking for a business coach, you’re good to none of them. Think about what type of business coach you may be! This might look like a “side hustle business coach”, a different tagline where your content can be niche to your target audience.

Final thoughts

What one of these resonates with you?

What do you need to start actioning to ensure your content stands out? Let me know either by commenting or by messaging me on IG!

It is a matter of, if you put energy into it and do it consistently, you will see the results!

Maybe you don’t have time to come up with a strategy and start delivering content? Do you want to hire someone to help you with your content?

Don’t worry, you will still get visibility and control over the content. Don’t stress that you will lose all creative rights or insight!

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