Diary #5 of a digital nomad and business owner/entrepreneur: Business secrets and catching COVID

Sorry this one is a bit late. But I am back! Put together some crazy things that has happened in the months of February and March! It has been a hectic one (probably why this is so late). BUT SO GOOD! Here is what I learnt, did and what happened!

The things I learnt 

Networking is the secret to business!

I think networking is the best kept secret in business. 

If I could go back to Mariah in university and give advice to her on what to do in order to create a better future, it would be networking. 

We know this right? We know how powerful it is, yet I think it gets neglected still.

Think about your clients, who works with you. Most of them are part of your network, am I right? They know you. 

I know with the pandemic, networking went to online and I felt myself slipping. I didn't attend many events. But I did a LOT in 2019, this helped.

You know what I love most about networking? You get to meet with people, connect. Whether they buy from you or not doesn't matter. 

You hear their stories.

Your content, social media, becomes a way for you to nurture those people after you have met them. For them to see more about what you do, who you are. 

Networking is powerful. If you don't have networking as a key marketing strategy, I highly recommend you add it in! 

I have been so blessed to make as many connections in the last 2 years. While in a pandemic I managed to still meet the most incredible people. 

I've met a lot of them in person. 

I have also connected with amazing souls who now work in my team and support me daily. 

You actually never know the people you will meet along the journey. 

My advice when starting out (or even when you are craving more connection/experiences/opportunities), say yes to that Zoom connection, say yes to the coffee catch up. Doesn't matter where that person is at their journey, it is nice to just meet amazing aligned people. 

Maybe they will pick your brain, but at the end of the day, you can leave knowing you helped someone. 

I understand overtime it can drain your energy when you give so much. But it all comes with balance. 

Take the opportunity to connect with people. It is the best thing you will do in your business! 

Connection - a core focus for me in 2022

Content marketing changes and thoughts

I am passionate about this one...

While the new updates to Instagram are great, with it comes a lot of overwhelm...

Hands up if you feel the overwhelm of Instagram. I created THIS video on it.

The reason I haven't niched my business down to just help with a platform like Instagram is because I see the power of a multifaceted content marketing strategy.

Maybe Instagram plays a huge role in your strategy and that is awesome. But it is knowing the channels that work for you and your business.

It is not the same for everyone. Tailored strategy is key. Understanding what channels work for you is key.

If you want to learn more about the channels that work for you, I created a quiz!

The things I did 

My 2022 intention setting

Intention setting - the very thing I take serious. 

If you know me, I like a plan. But it doesn't even mean the goals have to be huge or there has to be so many. 

2021 my goal was to have less goals. For 2022 my goal is to have intentional goals that make sense (and are achievable and all that jazz). 

Here is how I created my goal progress (for life and business): 

1. Reflection (did this in Clickup)

2. Journaled (more reflecting and thoughts) 

3. Time out (to process) 

4. Set up all the categories and wrote goals for each 

5. Added KPIs 

6. Created graphics and added them to Clickup

7. Broke them down to actions 

8. Planned Q1 

9. Planned Jan 

10. Tracked it in my other journals (personal choice)

Here is the Reel I did on it!

What are my goals for 2022?

I have shared the theme word (freedom) and the process of how I set my goals. So here are some for you:

- Drinking 2L of water a day

- Continue not drinking alcohol

- Learn a new hobby a month (this month is chess)

- Learn Spanish

- Learn Salsa

- Create a new business (stay tuned)

- Continue to build my agency but transform to a more consultancy based model

- Build the CQ email list

- Talk more about storytelling and strategy for content marketing

- Travel a LOT

- Move to a new city (update on this at some stage)

- 0 random hospital visits

- Work in new random places

- Sky dive (for the 3rd time) 

- Write for Best Holistic Life

- Build personal brand

- Stop being LATE  

But as I said, it is all working towards this feeling of freedom! 2021 I was PARALYSED to set goals. Like I couldn't bring myself to do it because I was so scared I wouldn't achieve them (for some reason the fear of failure really took over). I didn't want to set myself goals and be disappointed because I had to listen to my body instead of chasing those dreams.

I did finally get over it and managed to set and achieve most of my goals (give or take a few). Now this year, I have gone all in. Spent a few nights since the second week of Jan setting them out and I have really enjoyed the process (for once).

The things that happened 


I had COVID! LOL are we surprised? I got it early January and had to isolate with my boyfriend in a hotel room (where he lives). It was small but we got through it. I surprisingly wasn’t too sick, but I learnt most of the time we just have to face the things we are afraid of head on. Now for myself and my own health, I am not as scared of getting COVID as I was!

Health update 

I reminisced over 13 months since I drank alcohol...

If you knew me in 2020 there would have been ZERO chance of me doing that!

One month I could do. But that was the limit.

December 26, 2020 was my last drink. December 30, 2020 the surgeon told me I would probably need a #whipples. I promised myself no alcohol until I knew what was going on.

Well 13 months later and I still don't know. Joking but when I made that commitment, I started reading the book Social Rebellion by Maz Compton and I can tell you it really helped.

More than the times I had a month off.

I think it was the intention. Not the health issues (that was just a motivator).

I haven't really spoken about my alcohol free life. It has been challenging!

I do think we need to stop the "why are you not drinking" comments. I have been guilty of saying it before. But now of course I make people feel awkward when I share why.

Anyway. I am proud that I have managed to go so long without alcohol. My oncologist said I could have 2 drinks a week if I wanted. But I am an all or nothing girl so I decided to stay off alcohol.

I think if I save them up maybe I can get drunk at my wedding? Makes sense, right?

Now instead of watching the sunrise walking home in a Uber on the way home, I do these things sober (see the full moons from the beach, see the sunrise sober). It is different, but nice.

Instead of tequila shots it is shots of natural herbs! 

Did you love reading this blog? Want more? Well, follow me on Instagram and also, join the email list! I pop in weekly with little stories, tips and offers exclusive to those precious email subscribers! Chitty chat next month! 

Mariah xx