Diary #3 of a digital nomad and business owner/entrepreneur: hospital visits + time off for Christmas

Can you believe we are ending 2021! Like honestly, I can’t believe it! I am mindful of a few things as I write this article. That it is December and not many will read this. That is it December and I don’t have a lot of time to write this. 

I would love to create some more reflection content for sure. To be honest, I probably will be on social media. But I am tired. I am tired from a lot of things right now. So I want to create this content because I want to. Not because I feel I have to. So anyway, let me get into the month of December (maybe my huge reflection blog will be in January). 

But here is it…

The things I learnt

So I did this review of 2021 when it came to strategy and marketing/content marketing… 

I have shared it a few times but this is what it looks like: 

  1. Write down the strategies you tried in 2021

  2. What worked? 

  3. What didn’t? 

  4. What did you love? 

  5. What didn’t you love? 

  6. What gave you loads of reward for effort? 

  7. What didn’t? 

Here are the 5 things I learnt from this exercise 

  1. Networking is KEY 

  2. Instagram is a community building platform for me 

  3. I LOVE storytelling and strategy 

  4. Black Friday isn’t my favourite

  5. Email marketing is my biggest selling channel 

Now remember, this is my business! Not all are the same but in 2022 I want to sell less on Instagram and connect MORE. Build my email list and have my own sale periods rather than relying on Black Friday. 

Trading time for hours 

Something I have always done in my business. My retainers were based on hours. But not anymore. I realised my worth was held to the hours I did and what I gave for that time. In the end I did more hours than I was meant to because I was always wanting to give value. 

But since reflecting and working with my coach, I will move into a consultancy model in 2022. I am excited. It will be about the deliverable, not the hours spent. Now to me, that speaks freedom! 

The things I did 

There were a lot of questions asked in December. I think we all have questions when the year is ending. What I found was a confusion between slowing down and speeding up. But what I landed on was going with the moons (Full Moon for reflection in December and New Moon for intention in January). 

But what I did do was reflect what I and the Content Queen want to be known for. It was all about bringing two things together. Here is what I wrote about this… 

“What two things can you bring together to make your business unique?

To make it stand out above the rest.

I had the most fascinating conversation the other week with an entrepreneur. We spoke about how maybe we won't be the "best in the world" at what we do.

But how can we be different so we attract the clients we want to serve?

So instead we aim to bring things together to make it unique. Instead of being one thing, you become two. You then narrow yourself down rather than become general.   

It got me thinking about my brand and Content Queen. What do we do that is unique? We tell stories, the unique stories. We write content. But we also bring together with that with  the strategy.

Storytelling + Strategy is what we offer. It is what I love.” 

The things that happened 

My health wasn’t amazing 

What was huge for me in December is my health was VERY up and down. I had come to Sydney to heal a lot of that and appear this healthy recovered gal. Instead I found myself with various different issues. Some of them that haven’t been fully cleared up yet. 

I was in the hospital (twice). I was very frustrated and it was really hard to be motivated in business when my body just wasn’t feeling it. When you are in it, it can be very relentless. You want to be positive because you know it will heal you, but you also don’t want to be either. 

I wrote this post on Instagram that helps explain what I was going through:

“You might have seen I was in hospital last week...

Thank you for all the love. Honestly it made for a less lonely time. I don't know the exact cause of this.

Nothing came back completely abnormal. But my iron is low and to be honest, I have been working really hard.

When I came out of hospital in April this year I promised myself to try to control the levels of stress so I wouldn't end up back in hospital.

But life gets busy and I am not perfect. I get caught up in the hustle. I get caught up in wanting to "do it all". I am only human.

I am also 27 years old.

It can be really hard to listen to your body when you want to help others. When you want to achieve certain goals.

But my body is sensitive. Maybe more sensitive than others, I don't know. But she definitely sent me a message last week.

The message is...

"Own your self worth". My pain was located where my solar plexus chakra lands. The chakra connected to personal power, self worth (shout out to @essential.shift for teaching all of this). I don't have any medical answers. So I look holistically right now. It is all I have.

So my commitment to myself is to own my worth. Aim to back myself and trust.

That is my update. I don't have any physical answers so I turn to the spiritual ones.”

Christmas away from family 

I will be spending another Christmas away from my family, but it has always been my choice. This year I am spending it with my boyfriend (sounds strange saying this out loud). If you know me, I have been single for 7 years now, so to have met someone and to be spending Christmas with them is just such a beautiful experience! PLUS I am also having time off from the business (like 100% no, nothing) and that feels great! 

Saying no to new clients right now 

Leading into December I was given a lot of business opportunities, which are exciting and amazing. But given the health, the time of year and everything in 2021, I had to say yes, but not right now. This was taken so amazingly and you know what? Those people still want to work with me in 2022 - that is called listening to yourself and setting boundaries. It does pay off! 

So, oh my gosh. Can I just say. Thank you so much for your love and support in 2021. It truly has been a crazy ride but I have loved every minute of it (even the not so fun moments). I hope you have the best Christmas, New Year and break!! 

Did you love reading this blog? Want more? Well, follow me on Instagram and also, join the email list! I pop in weekly with little stories, tips and offers exclusive to those precious email subscribers! Chitty chat next month! 

Mariah xx