Content Queen Mariah

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Why blogging is underrated

Blogging may seem a little "saturated" BUT it is a very underrated channel. 

Blogging took a backseat when social media, podcasting, and YouTube became more popular, but honestly, we see time and time again the power of evergreen content like blogging. 

This is one of the many reasons why you should think about blogging and how to execute it efficiently!

While blogging can seem a little overwhelming, hear us out! If you don’t have a blog yet, have a read of ours right here, OR listen to this the below podcast about the benefits of blogging.

If you already have a blog, you can still listen! We wanted to explore some tips, guidance, and advice on how to get the most out of blogging for your business.

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Why you should consider blogging

Blogging is so much more than just putting words on a page or one piece of content. At Content Queen (and with our clients), our blog is just the beginning of our content for the whole week - yep! The whole week!

Using your blog as one means of content, and of course, with a little repurposing, ensures that your week of content is set up and your theme is covered from all angles. 

Not only can you repurpose your blog to your other social media platforms, but blogging will also help immensely with people trying to find your website!

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is so important to keep in mind when writing your content that appears on your website, using keywords that are common amongst your target audience’s searches can really help lead them to your website quickly, blogging is amazing for this to really bump up those results!

Blogging benefits not only your website and business but your target audience as well, if people need answers from you fast or are looking for guidance on a topic you’ve addressed before - having your blog there as a resource is super helpful in getting answers quickly (and passively), essentially working for you!

What blogging has done for Content Queen and 6 figure businesses

There are a few reasons why Content Queen absolutely LOVES blogging, and we want to share those with you to give you a bit of an insight into the amazing benefits we’ve seen from simply having a blog!

First, we had a look at our analytics and we can see that 6 pages out of the top 10 pages looked at on the Content Queen website was our blog! How cool is that!

Then, we had a look into Content Queen as a result through Google search, and found that we were showing up quite high in the search results. Due to having our blog, our traffic was coming through organically and leading people directly to our website, we didn’t have to promote, push people to Google us, or even add in lead magnets - it was all generated through organic Google searches!

While all of these results benefit our analytics and stats each quarter, we also have the blog as a resource for our target audience.

If any followers or clients have questions about a topic we’ve covered, we give them the link to a blog that gives them the answers they need! Blogs as resources are GOLD, so if you haven't tried it yet why not give it a go and see what your clients or target audience can get out of it?

What blogging has done for clients 

Even though we can’t stop raving about blogging, don’t just take our word for it! Our clients have grown to love blogging as well, and here’s why!

Our clients have seen their own increase of clients coming through Google searches as well. They’ve seen an increase in email list subscriptions, enquiries and other means of target audience attention from just simply having a blog.

We couldn't be happier that our clients are getting the amazing results they want!!

What can you do with blogging? 

So if you’ve decided now that you want to start your own blog, I’m sure you want to know how. Well, luckily we have four ways that you can start a blog for your business:

1. Repurpose social posts or email newsletters on topics into articles

2. Repurpose podcast episodes into blogs (you can download the transcription OR write from the notes or key themes)

3. Keyword blogging (based on what people are searching on Google, these can be very answered based)

4. Personal story blogging (tell YOUR story)

All of these ways to start your blog have HUGE benefits for your SEO, business, and content marketing strategy! But our top tip would simply be to just start! Pick a topic and throw yourself into it, refining comes later so for now just give it a go and see what you think!

Repurposing for blogs 

Repurposing your content to create your blog is a lot more simple than it seems - here are some ways you can do it.​​

  • Podcast to blog: You can do this by simply using to transcribe your podcast to a blog (then refine from there) or you can write it using notes you’ve taken from your podcast! You can create subheadings of the topics you will discuss in your podcast and elaborate under each heading.

  • Using emails: Emails are a great way to sum up topics that you want to cover, they can introduce your theme for the week and give your target audience an introduction to what you’ll be covering. Turning emails into blogs can be as simple as taking the email, putting it into a doc, and then going into more detail on a specific aspect.

  • Social media to blog: To work from smaller content into more in depth content, it’s important to have your content planned at least a week ahead; know what your theme is or what you want to cover and your main focus and go from there. You can easily turn your social posts into a blog by using each day as a subheading, this works best if you’ve set out all posts to cover different aspects of the one theme.

  • Blog to other platforms: It’s amazing to use content from your other platforms to create your blog or vice versa. One way we love to use blogs is for our Pinterest content! Recently, in starting Pinterest, we’ve used old blogs to create the majority of the content and lead traffic back to the website - it’s doing amazingly! To do this you can simply take the most important bits of the blog (the stuff that will help people the most) and utilise those as pin headings! 

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Maintaining the blogs 

If you already have a blog, you probably don’t even realise the traction they could be getting! This is why checking your analytics is so important. While some blogs can be re-created to be more up to date, other blogs may just need a small update.

At Content Queen, we are in the process of updating some of our old blogs to suit the business now! New call to actions, new landing pages, and updated info - sometimes this is all it needs to gain traction again (for example, this one)!

Final thoughts 

Blogging is here to stay! We couldn't be more supportive of businesses starting up their own blog as we come into the new year. If you're a business owner and need that extra push towards achieving your goals, blogging is a channel that needs to be considered!

If you're ready to start blogging but want to do it in a more strategic way - check out our FREE Content Strategy Workshop. We will show you in detail HOW you can do this!

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